an unprecedented crisis
(For Justice Divine)
Soldati's situation and all the land taken, apart from immigration problem without any planning and political coven, who try to demarcate their responsibility not to lose votes and others who remain silent for fear of being "stuck" in this situation unprecedented conflict, "See what I mean" worse than 2001, repeat: "worse than 2001" because of the time was an economic crisis, this is structural. Because to solve multiple measures should be taken from a population redistribution orderly investment that people have a job, have decent housing, logistical support, build hospitals, health plans, investments in schools, education, investment in security, roads, railways and communications, sports clubs, societies, advocacy, recreation centers and credits, then we are talking about serious planning. This certainly is not going to happen, what will happen is stack and kick people forward the problem more acute in all critical areas. While many continue the dissolution of our country, winding shape to be a territorial partition or secession of provinces with the support of international organizations or foreign powers as they wanted to do in 1806, 1807, 1845 and now more recently the "Treaty Peace and the Falklands War in 1990.Throughout history, our country was subjected by the traitors and the plans of England to wars and economic saqueamiento the suffering of our people, but our historical enemies make use of specific strategies of an empire we as a nation we lack, so we took an idea that they execute with precision:
our enemies make you realize what we need to do for the destruction alone, "Henry S. Ferns, Britain and Argentina in the nineteenth century. Ed Solar Hachette 1968 Buenos Aires pp. 296/299 in fine. Let
as expressed by some illustrious men of our history, which were reported almost.
Dr. Joseph Terry: "Argentina's economic history is the history of financial scandals caused by the loans that are agreed for the waste" Argentine Economist, Finance, Buenos Aires 1927.
"in the CAR. Argentina, where the British influence and operation of the interests that are covered with the flag are gravitating, democracy is not allowed to manufacture steel, exporting technology and whose scientists have been five Nobel Prize laureates. No, nothing like that. Argentina's "democratic" or "dictatorial" it must be for Great Britain a reservoir of grass eternal civilization, ie raw materials without processing. " Rodolfo and Julio Irazusta: Argentina and British imperialism. The links of a chain: 1806-1933. Ed Independence, 1982, pag. 120.
"Our destiny lies not forage and butchers in England. Our destiny is to develop great spiritual forces to restore the value of man and so, above all, we must take care of our dignity as free people. " Carlos Saavedra Lamas was the first to receive the award of a Nobel Prize.
Argentina today is living a planned internal disturbance as were, as ever was seen, we will make a historic raconte, to understand, as I said above, the solution state of our country and how it reaches the state current.
After World War II ended with the Yalta and Potsdam agreements, the two great powers that flow from it and Great Britain planned a new domain and set up a new war strategy, because until then only knew the large-scale conventional conflicts, ie the clashes between armed forces from different countries, identified by their flags, uniforms and set positions, but from then develop the revolutionary wars or conflicts controlled, using third countries, ie countries that were not within the orbit of the two dominant powers and with the development of the new strategy dominated them and were established within their blocks (USA, USSR), for example, Vietnam, Korea, Cuba, Angola, etc. in what the Soviet bloc and nearly all Latin American countries except Cuba and then Nicaragua, within the American orbit.
Our country was not immune to this conflict, as happened with the rest of Latin America, were easy prey, and that served ideological interests that had nothing to do with our historical roots, without knowledge that would lead to disaster . Undoubtedly
confrontation emerges a winner and the winner was the nation's Armed Forces, who ruled for almost eight years, going on this in the seventies. The Armed Forces liberal training, and framed within the U.S. block given the economy in the hands of individuals from the international usury, just as had happened to the Marxist guerrillas have succeeded, because in reality that was the strategy of the power of money. The military, given the economy to economists elite graduates of the University of Chicago and known them as the "Chicago Boys" who held monetarist theories, which devastated the domestic industry, while a bloody war happening. The objective of this economic policy was to destroy mainly heavy industry worldwide sold or closed their factories to buy dollars and profit without investing and risking, as well as there was an opening of the economy to import impossible to compete with products that entered as the fiscal cost and value of our currency, this is what contributes to the destruction of the national economy, primarily with industry as we said mother who is a heavy industry as well as our currency is destroyed.
Then in the eighties, with the advent of a new form of government, continued the process, but also began another even more ... dramatic, it was the cultural revolution, based on Marxist ideology as is the grancismo (Grancia, Italian communist philosopher who proposed to take power through the Cultural Revolution), emulating the European social democracy, or what is known as Eurocommunism. From this situation there was an attack on the National Culture and education, although the latter never existed in our country an education based on Catholic Hispanic traditions, however, from Faustino Sarmiento here, always took doctrines imported, with a true sense cosmopolitan and Protestant. Sarmiento was a renowned Mason (the secret organization, is condemned by the Church in the encyclical of Leo XIII Humnum Genus), an admirer of all that was Anglo-Saxon and Enlightenment, in fact as to "educate" brought American teachers, with a deep hatred of everything that was Catholic and Argentina (his masterpiece Civilization and Barbarism; civilization called him everything that was Anglo-Saxon or European barbarism all the national and Catholic) is the true education mentor Argentina and exalted as the great teacher. But despite that, there were hints of a truly national education, but in this decade, destroyed by introducing truly Marxist theories such as Emilia Ferreiro with his theories about the psychogenesis literacy, introducing from this time the dialectization in education destroying all authority and more horizontal the same. Also destroyed all the scientific research institutes as well as it did the same with the university, where you have to strive for the excellence of the aristocracy of intelligence or knowledge. While then put us to the new world order inspired by the Hegelian philosophy, founded on the following: Thesis, liberalism, antitheses: Marxism and synthesis, which is the union of these two ideologies that dominate the world, it established from this new world order, having consolidated the power of international usury (worship of the golden calf) and the disappearance national borders. Divided as follows: The Politics and Economics at the hands of the Liberals, the Education and Culture in the hands of the Marxist, as a symbolic expression of the new order was reflected in the downing of the Berlin Wall and self-destruction of the USSR, disappearance of Communism as a form of government but not Marxism. Which is totally funny thing is that the Soviet Union gone without for it has been a civil war or a third country, obviously the demise of this great nation bloc was due to the designs of the power of money. This will consolidate the power of Usury and expressed synthesis is reflected previously.
Continuing what we started in the eighties, that decade to be able to carry forward the process of acculturation and attack the institutions of the Republic, was launched dialectization process, ie clash all levels, primarily with the Church and the Armed Forces, pillars of our nation, but especially the latter, which took them almost to extinction as a force for defense of our country. It also happened with the family, associations, etc., Education was one of the favorite instruments, where as of this began to question all authority, raising equality between teacher and student, all will flatten, leveling down. Occurred in society and it is exactly the same, with no authority, attacking the national archetypes, the models to take from that then become sets of imported rock, heroes of television or movies outside our idiosyncrasies, basically everything is questioned and is a national.
In the nineties and the world power consolidated, devastated the economy, sold off the entire national heritage. For that to happen, had to give the above process, so could not give a reaction of national forces and corrupted unimaginable to man, since the proposition was a man who served only utilitarian purpose, and consumer economist, born of this widespread social violence like we've never lived, no doubt that the problem is getting worse and with an expected end . But it is also part of a new global strategy supported by the same power of usury, which through its representatives in a stifling indebted to our country and emptied the man of all local content, for what it explicitly that continued to occur during the eighties, which never happened as it violated their conscience to the man implementing scientific theories for such purposes, such as subliminal messages, conditioned reflexes (Theory this Pablov Russian), which allowed to launch another war far more subtle and ruthless. Thus allowing much easier to destroy Nations, the following factors to be used: chemical warfare (Drugs and other substances), biological or bacteriological (different types of virus lethal or not, for example AIDS), War Psicotronic (use music and electronic media including: TV), the latter factor as a fundamental element of the diffuser and drug propaganda.
The development of a new operation as the "International Money" continues with the strategy of seizing and destruction of our country in this century who have meant the disintegration ... national unity rupture as geographical and historical, who to do this has to be a strife, a war as we are suffering and as demonstrated throughout the work, but even more enhanced! across party lines, civil strife following the depletion of private equity, as happened in these days through by runaway inflation or looting produced by banks, the destruction of industrial sources; of criminal organizations, which often have military style training and a high firepower, as we have been seeing every day with the death of innocent citizens and police. With this explosive cocktail, it is impossible that a society can survive without suffering traumatic planned by the power of Britain and the international power of money. That the target of this strategy is the empowerment of our country to be operated by this power and you are most interested in our territory is the Patagonia, Antarctica and Argentina offshore platform as confirmed from the Lisbon treaty has Effective December 11 2009.
Finally we will make it clarified that the authority, being the key has been destroyed, "the authority is the moral authority to direct the action of members of a society towards the common good." Leo XIII writes: "The authority belongs to the whole society as their own, without authority, no society. Another dignitary of the Church as Bishop Prunel explains: "The Civil power comes from God, the author of nature or, if you will, comes from the natural law of society, in effect, a primary and necessary fact. No society without a leader, and as natural law and divine law are synonymous, God being the author of nature, it follows that civil power is by right (natural or) divine. "destroy the authority hierarchies are destroyed and therefore society disintegrates.
Not to be alarmist or pessimistic in our approach, but if we do not diagnose We can not medicate, for now:
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