Thursday, February 17, 2011

Difference Between Rolling And Pipe Tobacco

Life is now

"Right now, life is now," Cabral song says, a couple of days I listened again and reminded me of my dad, he loved the music. Interestingly neither my mother nor my wife likes.

In my teens I spent hours listening to Cabral Alberto Cortez (I was never the life of the party), there were songs that left me thinking about the future.

At forty or fifty, particularly men, begin to think about what logaron make in your life and what lies ahead. Becoming more existentialist.

When you are young there is an eagerness to take on the world, is full of ideals, but as time goes by reality shall take care of them die of hunger. And do not feed
shortly get to my 34 years, I'm half my life and I've realized that life is now. What you do today will be part of my story, which I intend to tell my grandchildren. I better get it right.

To remove anxiety for the future we need to get to work today. Be a better son, be a better father, better husband, better training, better city, today.

What if everybody did? Probably cease to be a Third World country.


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