Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Breast Of Old Indian Heroin


L at the time of the questioning began evoking as Jaua starting point of his speech commemorating the bicentennial of independence
accompanied by the usual rhetoric that recalls the eternal conflict with the bourgeois past that have endorsed the Venezuelan opposition. Once

made the usual accusations became broadly discuss what his opinion framed the scope of the revolutionary process and its management in 2010. He referred to the 5 crises that have beaten, yet strengthened his revolution.

began with the electricity crisis, which in his opinion did not collapse as we had foreseen the "media mob." Among alarming headlines and some data watts and voltages, Jaua said the collapse had been warned by opposition factions earlier this year did not materialize.

However, on this subject the Vice-President inexplicably forgot to mention that to date electrical failures persist, but most failed to identify the causes of that collapse, for example, forgot to mention that that collapse was not invented by the opposition but This was due to the omission to the warnings that a group of experts in this field prevented in 2001. The Deputy also forgot to mention that so far his government has no unified criterion on potential or suspected causes of this crisis. The Navarro MP today commented that an opportunity was indeed due to lack of investment, but these 12 years but the 40 that preceded it. For his part, President endorsed the entire responsibility to negatively affect weather on the natural resources involved in the process of generating energy. The child was to blame for the reservoirs do not reach high enough to generate energy. However, to get rid of guilt Child sent two separate floods that show evidence that their influence beyond the reality is that the turbines of Guri were unable to work due to lack of maintenance and investment. But the Child was not the one to blame, the Vice President chose to skip the guilt that you own Attorney General endorsed the Iguana that ate the wires, did not mention if the tramp had been convicted of the damage.

Overall, the electric breakdown Vice-President not only failed to point out the real causes but also referred to it as a situation that had been in the past. I wonder what they must have thought those who could not see the string at home just because the light service was interrupted, or those who day by day in any sector of the country are affected by continuous and unexpected power outages.

None of the 165 deputies bothered to ask how it is justified that Venezuela passes through a power crisis due to lack of investment in Cuba while building a power plant? O What is the justification that a crisis was warned in 2001 has not been addressed efficiently to avoid materializing?. Another question, why if among the many causes of power crisis was the consumer abuse and lack of policy awareness for savings, savings campaigns that promoted the government were suspended .. Is it that no longer is necessary to create awareness for responsible use of electricity? Unfortunately, with issues such as insecurity, the collapse was electric out of the debate and questions from Members who directed all its actions to the Minister of Interior and Justice, more so, when was this one of the flags of their campaign the 26-S

Another crisis mentioned by the Vice-President was the rotten food PDVAL. Vice said that the president had ordered the investigations were opened to punish those responsible. That is, we must acknowledge the gesture Venezuelan President to send to investigate how his efficient and honest government left to lose x million tons of food. And no mention of figures officials because until now there are none, because not accounting for losses in accuracy has served this government and this vice also forgot to mention. And certainly the exact amounts are not of great importance, since for any serious and responsible government only lost a kilo of food without taking appropriate measures should be assumed in the strongest terms to determine those responsible. Noted with pride the vice, which so far had a detainee by this fact, we recall that Vice is not a person, there are three detainees. But besides this, the question that many ask, can they be only 3 people solely responsible for such barbarism food? Also forgot to comment on the Vice-President noted how many people could be fed with so many tons of expired food or failing in what could be invested many millions of Bolivars to lose food left? ... And in so many figures also forgot to mention " The mean in Bolivares Fuertes tons of expired food items left to lose your government?. In this regard, Members also preferred to ignore your questions.

Another issue that was not touched by the Deputies was referred to the housing crisis, in this respect not only hope the meeting on Wednesday in which it challenged the Minister of Housing and habitat. However, despite having been broadly addressed by the Vice-President, he omitted certain aspects that today generate great uncertainty among Venezuelans. The Vice was quite pleased with the actions taken by his government, but forgot to point out what measures or policies that assume the state aimed to monitor, regulate and ensure consumer protection and ensure the construction of minimum conditions allow fair and timely respond to their customers. " did not speak to ensure the timely supply of construction materials. Nor did he mention the fact that today the acquisition of these materials depends not only on the will of the construction, it is an undeniable fact that our current market has been severely beaten by expropriation policy conducted by the National Government, politics would lead us to ask the Vice-President is How do you justify that Venezuela after being an exporter of cement, cement today is to receive donated by Cuba, a country known as an exporter of sugar?. He did not explain the Vice-President, how is it that after 12 years the government takes action against real estate fraud?, Nor mentioned the reasons for the indifference and silence for 12 years has beaten hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans. Another

crises that said the Vice-President was the result of the rains that left thousands homeless families. On this particular did not mention why in 12yrs and after going through a tragedy like Vargas, our efficient government took serious and concrete measures for disasters?. Not mention the reasons why after 12 years of government and having gone through a tragedy like Vargas be called for the presidential palace, to museums, schools and government offices themselves as shelters for families affected?. Neither said Vice How many of these people now living in shelters are affected since the tragedy of Vargas waiting for answers from the Government?. What if said with pride the 1,800 homes that were built to benefit a group of victims, but did not say how is that in 12 years the government has built less housing than any other government than 5 years of the 4th?. Neither Vice-President explained why in 12 years your government has not developed a policy would be consistent and efficient way to address the housing issue?

As a general outline and the intervention of Vice-President more accountable to the country, merely to emphasize the differences ideological bent on deepening them to justify their mistakes and dismiss the continuing criticism of his government.


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