Saturday, February 26, 2011

Hdfc Bank Receipt Lost Us Visa

Our Revolution is near!

Our revolution is near!

seems that our neighbors are resourceful people before us and have already started their respective revolutions .... or that is what government wants us to think and means of manipulation.
Everyone knows the respective revolutions that occurred in many Arab countries, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya ...
For the vast majority is also known that both in Egypt and Tunisia, its previous dictators pillaged the country before you leave (someone knows where?).
But what most do not know is that Mubarak, Egypt's former dictator, was initially supported by the U.S. government and, of course, by the NO-state of Israel. Yes sir, this personage was a mere puppet of Zionism at its best: when he took office coincidentally ended hostilities between the two countries, and also coincidentally, Simon Peres, the president of the non-state of Israel, without any kind of support to ruthlessly dictator, murderer, thief Egyptian ....
recently see on the news that the dictator of Libya SSA hires mercenaries to bomb its own people, while Europe and the U.S. wash their hands and all they do is condernarlo. What we are asking these governments is that necessarily come in this country as was done in Afghanistan and other Muslim countries ....
On the other hand, what the vast majority of people do not realize is that in Europe has already iniado this revolution. The first country to launch it was Iceland. This town, which has beaten the crisis with extreme hardness, it has risen against its own bank. Prosecutors have launched an investigation against the bankers, the government has resigned as a whole and the people themselves have risen against the measures to cut social spending, and have paralyzed logardo through a referendum to pay for the banks. This revolution has been blocked in the media by our own government, to avoid a domino effect occurs as is happening in the Arab world. All we can hope for is that we spread of this revolutionary feeling, for the sake of our people.


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