occupations are THE TIP OF ICEBERG
How the social war
by the Center for Regional Studies
The situation of anarchy that our country is experiencing is not accidental, not new and much less spontaneous. To achieve this it has worked for many years and with an acceleration in the last decade. CER analysts we have been deeply about this issue and discussions were held, analysis, share experiences with professionals from other countries that suffered and / or face similar situations and that work was left reflected in various documents, some of which disseminate timely . In this regard, we can only remark, by way of summary, key aspects complemented own reflections on the subject in question.
1. The "War armada" of terrorist subversion met in the decades 60 and 70 has been replaced by "Social War" or "Popular Struggle" to achieve the same ends by other means. (In full implementation).
2. The characteristics inherent in any war, for now unarmed, is present in the Social War and Popular Struggle: the practice of systematic violence "against persons and property, and purpose of political order (seizure of power by wear- existing society, and replacement of the leaders of the institutions by their followers. Not necessarily in that order). (In full implementation).
3. The characterization of the leader piquetero pointer political hooligan leader as a revolutionary anarchist quasi handling large groups of marginalized people for their personal benefit, as well as political. (In full implementation).
4. The linking of these with the Catholic left and the defenders of human rights NGOs (which are only for people in your industry and ideology.) (In full implementation).
5. The picket movement was brewing since the mid 90's, not coincidentally, after the release of FSP ** by Fidel Castro as communist strategy change at the fall of the Berlin Wall and the capitulation of communism as a political-economic system. Many leaders "popular" Argentines participated in the FSP. (In full implementation).
6. All personalities identified with subversive terrorism, from Fidel Castro, ETA, FARC, to the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, have explicitly endorsed the FSP who try to present as representative of the dispossessed and social justice.
7. In the interest employer for ideological sympathy or ignorance of journalists, are widespread in the MCS, where only the claims raised are without analyzing their actual goals or resources from which to finance their demonstrations, their actions, travel inside and outside, etc..
8. The act of "winning the street" has transcended its origin is used as a picket and mode of action coercive by different social groups, to test its effectiveness and lack of risks involved, obtain any kind of claim or objective, with the risk involved for the country to march towards a general social indiscipline, and produced associated with rising crime .
In these expressions, the Argentine activists have established the "escrache or the press" as a natural method to intimidate and discredit its ideological opponents. Also used pressure, threats or suspended by the Council of the Judiciary for judges whose sentences do not correspond to the ideological or political orientation of government interest or other factors of power. Also calls upon the legal challenge of political opponents elected by the votes of citizens by filing complaints of violations of human rights (and lack long-standing judicial order).
These key actions are usually complemented with other means "popular" is also widespread, such as cutting roads, camping in parks and public places, provoke and attack police and other authorities; occupy universities, colleges, hospitals, factories and real estate; impede or obstruct the normal functioning of institutions, destroy public property in protest, and so on.
Meanwhile, governments associated with the FSP, they tend to "party only "through the management of privileges that are capturing leaders and officials from other parties (" Borocotorización ") and the management of the other branches of government, legislative and judicial means of different procedures. (All this in full operation)
9. Another event of singular significance in addition to the already chaotic situation box above. The organization calling itself "Universidad Popular Madres de Plaza de Mayo" expresses its aim of training ("train?) Youth in the ideology and methods of the generation that had plagued the country during the decades of 60/70. Its president has declared that the objective ambition is to "train guerrillas like their children, "that relieves us of any evaluative trial. It is worrying to see the agenda of conferences, lectures and quality and thought of its exhibitors. We mentioned the NGO Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, but there are a huge number of NGOs related to human rights, environmentalists, etc., Receiving large contributions from state and private companies, but their ultimate goal is to collaborate in the collapse of the institutions of the Republic and replace it with a totalitarian system. (In progress).
10. Is it the risk involved for our country and for the rest of South America did not address this activity clearly seditious. It must end the impunity enjoyed by the protesters and other activists to undermine the social rights of the majority of Argentine citizens and logical solutions and not to repeat the copy of legendary revolutionary models as outright failures of the former Soviet Union or the nearest and suffered Cuba.
* Title X of the Argentine Penal Code entitled "Crimes against the public powers and the constitutional order" and includes sections 226 to 236. In the first chapter prescribes the attacks on the constitutional order and democratic life, and the second chapter, including sections 229 and 230, is the crime of sedition. Articles 231 to 236 contain provisions common to the crimes first and second chapters. Sedition itself is criminalized in Article 229 punishes with imprisonment from 1 to 6 years.
** PORTO ALEGRE: World Social Forum and the Sao Paulo Forum (FSP) shake hands By Gonzalo Guimaraens
The 2nd. World Social Forum (WSF), held in Porto Alegre in the nineties included the participation of the Latin American left. The results, transmitted to the world with the help of some MCS show merely folklore or anecdotal aspects of the event, with a reality that causes concern for its dense revolutionary content. At this congress which was attended by over 50 thousand activists left from 119 countries, around 800 lectures and seminars.
The tone of the meetings was given by socialists, anarchists, communists, followers of liberation theology, the current indigenous movements and Marxist feminists. The governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Olivio Dutra, the leftist Workers Party (PT), acted as host and was one of the major funders of the event, proclaimed at the opening of the 2nd. WSF participants feel that their "heirs" of all "social activists and theologians of liberation" and "of those who rebel against systems of oppression" as "neoliberalism" that "hides the fierce face of the tyranny of the market and transnational finance."
The Dominican friar Frei Betto, one of the leading strategists of the "liberation theology" in Brazil, advisor of the dictator Fidel Castro and the author of "Fidel and Religion" was one of the "stars" of the 2nd . FSM. In an audience of priests, nuns and thousands of militants of Basic Ecclesial Communities (CEBs) that repeatedly cheered, said the society of the future "freer, more egalitarian, more caring," is defined in one word: "socialism ".
ordered a round of applause neither more nor less than to Karl Marx and added so shocking that the "new man" should be "son of marriage of Ernesto "Che" Guevara and Santa Teresa de Jesus. " The American Noam Chomsky, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MTI), another of the "stars" of the 2nd ideological. WSF defines himself as "libertarian socialist" (ie anarchist) and is one of the best known anti-capitalist intellectuals today.
In one of his applauded by stating that the world is experiencing a new "ideological class struggle" between the supporters of globalization that "favors large multinational corporations" and the adherents of revolutionary globalization promoted by members of the FSM, which aims to "establish an international grassroots movement."
no doubt that "international people's movement" is a new International anarcho-socialist, cleverly organized into "networks" (in a "horizontal" rather than "vertical"), used to give an appearance of spontaneity. One
of the most eloquent articulation of this international revolutionary forces, took place in Porto Alegre, was the seminar organized by the Forum of São Paulo (FSP), the World Social Forum. This took place in the ballroom of the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (PUC / RS), the main venue of the WSF, attended by 600 delegates from South American, Cuban, French and Italian. The FSP was established in July 1990 in Brazil, at the request of Fidel Castro, with the aim of protecting Cuban and Latin American socialism at a time is filled up the disintegration of the Soviet empire.
is composed of the communist parties of the continent, FARC and ELN guerrillas in Colombia, the Workers' Party (PT) of Brazil and other political movements of the genre. Has been making annual meetings where common strategies are plotted. In December 2001 took place in Cuba, with the active participation of Castro. In a scenario
unstable as currently grappling with several Latin American countries, all of these joints should be of meditation and alert.
Public Report - 18-Dec-10 - Policy
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