Friday, January 28, 2011

Period 8 Days Late White Mucus

No more plans!

Most companies and institutions, especially if state, suffering from a chronic disease: Paralysis by analysis.

Whenever a problem arises, we plan, when the plan is not met, return to plan, when will we take off?

Most of us have had the experience of spending hours in meetings where we discuss about things that never happen, whether good or bad. The amount of time taken to agree (in business, government, institutions, etc.) Consume so many resources it's scary.

I'm not saying it's bad planning, but in proportion. Most plans do not lead to improved outcomes, are the actions that they succeed.
I recently saw
as simple actions can make big differences in a company, sweeping, cleaning and painting walls have had a great effect on the morale of the people working there. I was very happy.

Today I was thinking what to write (being planned) and was not sure what, so I started writing.

As Mafalda said, "and if instead of so much planning to fly a little higher!

I think that we need to and not a third world country.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kate Playground Underwater

COMMENTS ON MY SIDEWALK .. Seriousness in the Discourse

As responsible Venezuelan opposition as we take seriously every situation, analyze it, study it and discuss it coherently, cogently and with sufficient objectivity and conviction that allows us to measure and publicize the true scope and consequences of actions that support or reject. Only then can we become a real alternative and restore credibility and confidence to achieve our goal. With the approval
Reform Act called Spring can not face it with an argument so banal as we close twitter Chavez "Chavez block my tweets with these statements not only strengthened the suspicion of those unaware of the situation have sufficient acuity to know that she is much more complex, tools also give those who oppose us to disqualify and minimize our capabilities. It is therefore necessary
reflect and above all take seriously any situation, we can not just repeat the impressions of others, each of us should be able to take and defend their own findings with the firm conviction that gives us full knowledge. Just to echo stories of false assumptions or prefabricated, Venezuelans do not need to magnify or minimize the reality to take the position that we consider fair, just underestimate our brothers and demonstrate underestimate ourselves .. we are more than a simple opposition that first of all Venezuelans with discernment we are able to understand and address each situation, but above all with sufficient conviction that we strive to build the country we want and do not intend to build the other perspective. It's time to put aside fanaticism and radical passions that only distance us from what should be our main objective, the reconstruction of our country and true national reconciliation, consolidate the discourse of tolerance, promote respect as a basis for the real debate of ideas and build solid arguments, consistent, accurate and objective our country proposal, a real and viable proposal goes beyond Chavez STANDARDS exceeding pamphleteers and allow us to build a real political choice and government. Posted
with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Mount And Blade 1.011 Seri Numaras�

The businessman walking

Most of us have an idealized image who is an entrepreneur, we imagine a suit and tie, with many resources, political clout and stigmatized as "right", do you agree?

However, there is a businessman walking, the employer "ordinary", the owner of a workshop, which has a couple of trucks, which has a large Pupuseria, thunders which fingers to pay for the return of four employees, that is not going to no political party has no time because it is working.

This entrepreneur, who triumphs in the Together with effort, which sends remittances to their families, who sacrifice is based on moving forward.

Of those employers need more information they can provide jobs for ten people, of those who are interested in those ten.

But we need also to pay their taxes. They learn to avoid, because they are compromising the future of their children, who live in El Salvador.

need to thrive, they are big, but with effort, doing the right things.

Maybe they could move forward with this third world country.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How Long Pleuricy Last

Godspeed Lydia Dona

never told, but always felt a great admiration for his attitude toward life despite all the reasons he had to be limited, it did not.

God wanted that today you will be reunited with him, it was time to rest.

I am sure that the mark it has left an indelible and your family will always remember fondly his sense of humor, his love life and your family. Did you

bliss have an exemplary husband, in his seventy-something, like a boy, always hits. The

remember fondly.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Female Masturating By Pillow

tank full and empty bladder

a couple of years ago I went to Mexico City for work, the first thing I learned was that getting around the city must take the full tank and empty bladder of Otherwise you can spend time really nasty in the complicated traffic.

If you are fortunate to have to move on the boulevard of the army, Jerusalem avenue, boulevard of the leaders and other few iconic streets of San Salvador, especially when the rest of the world do the same thing happens, it would be worthwhile to follow the advice of Mexicans.

In announcing the news is, again, those events that occur in pre-election years: strikes, demonstrations, shots of streets, buildings, and many other expressions popular (what a nuisance!).

would be good, then we get used to not less than half circular tank and take a couple of daipers, for what water accidents.

I still do not understand why it is called freedom of expression events in developed countries are called crimes, destruction of property, violating the rights of others to move freely, among others.

Is it because we are a country tercermunista?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Flu Shot And Diseases

Better fall into grace, to be funny

Last night I had the opportunity to be at an event organized by the journal Strategy and Business , which were awarded columnists and bloggers from Central America and Colombia. The purpose of the magazine is to encourage young people to give their views on current affairs: politics, business, economics, safety, environment, etc. I noticed that almost everyone talked about politics, social networking, technology, transparency, ecology, but nobody talked about business.

I think we need to talk about, probably has little experience, but there will be enough common sense.

"More it fall into grace, to be funny ", that is one of the most valuable advice he gave me my grandfather, who applied with great success in all areas of your life, especially in business (we leave aside the ladies this time). The message sent was that we must try to ingratiate himself with as many people as possible to maximize your network of contacts.

For most of us like to do business with people we know, implicitly believe that this will reduce the risk of doing bad business.

Grandpa was great to meet friends, his favorite weapon: two candy. He was always sweet, said "everybody likes sweets, always gives two sweet, a very little, three are already a piñata (and are cheap)." These two sweet they opened many doors, of course the candy with him a nice smile and good treatment, but they were the key to open a conversation.

We put a pompous name: Customer Relationship Management, Networking, Strategic Alliances, what comes to mind, but in the end businesses that endure over time are supported by succeed in making the relationships with other people.

Grandpa Wise advice: "You better fall in grace, to be funny."
are things you learn in third world countries.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How To Open A Eminent Suitcase Number Lock

Doing Justice or Law Enforcement? BEST WAR ERA

If offense, but in this country it seems that justice and law are two entirely different, often antagonistic, as Montesquieu said "A thing is not just for the fact to be law. It should be law because it is just. "

To this we add that the technicalities and procedures are more important than the same laws, then we have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow we are.

is inconceivable that criminals go free from legalism, that was not read rights, which had already passed the period of flagrante delicto, the police violated a procedure that ; prosecutor did not sign a document, get the idea?

The fact that an official mistake in a process, sometimes on purpose, does not absolve the criminal of the crime. Why is not the official processes for these omissions? That would be a good incentive to be more careful at work.

If our judicial system does not do justice, someone else will. In Guatemala, especially in the interior, public lynchings are common criminals, not justified, it is illegal, but it is effective. Will we have to go to these extremes?

I make a proposal, since the judiciary is the third branch of government, why not submit to public election of judges? What if every judge must give the public accounts of their actions? Is not it more fair?

Aristotle said that to know send it, we need to know to obey, that it will fall to public officials to follow this principle.

are things that happen in third world countries ...

Does Gaviscon Give You Bloated Feeling

Tuna Tartar with Avocado Salad and Mini Tomato Mojo

Ingredients Avocado
Onion Tomato Tuna
Cilantro Balsamic Vinegar of Modena
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Salt
Lemon Lettuce

We left the avocado in half and pipe Quirt, let go the skin and cut into pieces and put it in a bowl, chop the onion finely and add to avocado, reserving the heart of the onion to the salad, with tomato to remove the fleshy part and we are left only with the heart, the seeds, and that is where it concentrates all the aroma, flavor and juicy tomato, and reserve, finely chop the cilantro and add to avocado, put salt and few drops of lemon juice mix well and get into the mold, above the tartar have a tuna taco, mount the mini-heart salad with lettuce on top of this the center of the onion and tomato seeds last, do a few drops with balsamic vinegar and make a mixture of virgin olive oil and tuna oil and the tartar sauce on top.

fish can vary depending on what we like, we can change by sardines, mackerel loins, frigate canutera or any other that is to our liking

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Raylene Richards Lesbien

Today, January 16, 2011, celebrating an anniversary of signing the peace accords, which ended the Salvadoran civil war.

This afternoon, at a family gathering, my aunts were discussing the issue and came to the conclusion that it was preferable to that time. How sad to recognize that today, in El Salvador, live more insecure than before.

Before, there were two sides to the common Salvadoran had a chance to live out of the conflict if it did not interfere with anyone. Now, there is a clear enemy, no sides, but still at war.

Today it is easy to die in an argument over a parking lot, in an assault on the bus, victims of a motorrata or your business by not paying rent. Gradually distrust any means that we see as our enemy. Cree

we are being too fatalistic? read the paper. I recently heard an expression that sums it up, "Nothing new in the newspaper, just dead."

remember that in 1983, was 6 years old then, my dad gave me instructions in case something were to happen to him and my mom taught me where was the revolver and life insurance, made me learn the phone to my aunt, who would look after us with a possible fatality. "When I'm not, you're the man of the house, you take care of your mother and your brother." I was not involved in politics, or the government or the guerrillas, was a citizen but stray bullets were for ordinary citizens.

Today, my daughter is 6 years, the last thing I want is to say where are the insurance papers in case something happened to me. But as things go ...

What I keep wondering is how long continue and, if those responsible for the security of the country are doing their work this is going to turn into the Wild West, where everyone took the law into their hands.

are things that happen in third world countries.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hindi Invitaion Card Matter For Baby Ceremony

Strategic Faith

All comparisons are odious, so like so much, how about if we compare the Salvadoran economy with a car.

mounted in the car we all, do not they feel like Mafalda? "Stop the world I want to get off", and unless a miracle occurs the government takes the helm, lets not get into polemics. It turns out that from the macroeconomic point of view There are four major public policy (the purists will say three, but then it does not work the example) we can apply to move the unit: monetary, fiscal, exchange and foreign relations (the example is very clear, 4 Policies -> 4 wheels) .

In English, that is completely free making definitions are: Monetary policy determines the amount of money circulating, fiscal, what the state spends, exchange, exchange rate and relations with other currencies with the outside, how open or closed will be the relationship, mainly influenced by tariffs and incentives. If these four policies are applied with skill, preferably by a Chicago Boy, there will be limits on the growth of a country and everyone will be happy. A Ferrari 599 GTB would rise, as a comparison, not a politician.

sounds fantastic, almost orgasmic, but in El Salvador dollarized then we can not print money, at least not legally, then multiply by zero monetary policy. Interestingly, the exchange rate is fixed, then we can use exchange rate policy. At this point we could have a bike as an economic model is not bad, but all agreements with the WTO and FTAs, is that our foreign relations are becoming more open, tariffs tend to be eliminated, as well as incentives (have they heard about what happened with the drawback? .)

So what?, Our economic model has become a unicycle (I'm not saying that driving a clown), which reminds me that phrase of Churchill: "A nation that tries prosper a tax base is like a man with feet in a bucket trying to get up by pulling the handle. "

Cold comfort: this not only happens in third world countries.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

What Is The Difference Between Tabacc

Odious Comparisons

l E past weekend I had one of those that are hard to forget, not only because I slept 15 hours, if not for the reason that caused this.

turns out that a year ago my wife decided to continue our studies and pursue a Masters in Business Administration (sounds boring?) With emphasis on finance (this is masochism!), The thing is we have one year left to live to succeed to achieve this purpose, so far everything had gone well, we had teachers excellent, most eminent, a couple of regulars and as usual, no lack of hair in the soup, one (or two, depending on who you ask) very bad.

seems to be a professor of expertise, for some, is the equivalent of viagra because it helps them lift the ... ego, nothing wrong with that if it were not that feel good to have that make you feel miserable all we have to endure. Three-hour sessions and classes are challenging enough for any professor of vocation, especially in a post-graduate course, to try to help their students learn something, at least a list of books and websites to turn to when imagination and reasoning are exhausted, if we add the above low self-esteem, few friends and little success in life you can imagine what can happen.

all started at about 10 am about a month, first day of classes, Strategic Direction, that a nice name for a subject, my first problem was to tell the professor that my job was just coordinate the strategic planning process at the company where I work, the second was to make a trivial observation that if I did not think we should define what is strategy by explaining the process, the following error was to give the definition ... . A month later, it should accept as a dogma of faith any methodology, format, description or occurrence that is exposed by this great guru ....

Well, are things that happen in third world countries.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Itchy Skin Right After Waxing

Championship Canary
good cooks
Critica Carlos Maribor in his blog on the ABC and a jury member.

I do not like being sworn at all. Decide what is best and what is worse, which is well and what is wrong, when people and careers at stake is always complicated. Something similar to what happens with the criticism. But I understand that someone has to. So I accepted the kind invitation of the Cabildo of Tenerife and organizers to chair the jury of the 6 th Regional Championship Absolute Chefs de Canarias, which as I told you was held this week, Tuesday and Wednesday in Santa Cruz. The organization had previously selected the ten finalists on the basis of their CVs and recipes that had been sent. This selection system has its drawbacks, and the proof is that in the end there were two or three cooks with a very technical level below the rest. It also happens that when a championship in the Canary Islands is expected to be the widest possible participation of islands. However, as I come from telling a couple of years of frequent visits to that region today Tenerife culinary supremacy is unquestioned. This food plan orchestrated by the council over several years has paid off. And not just because the island has now a large group of leading chefs, also because the average level of quality in any store in the north or south has risen dramatically.
in quality, product handling, cleaning, facilities ... A patient who has been working results and shows that institutional support (not talking about subsidies) is critical for culinary development, development that is inextricably linked with tourism. Also because the plan has not only raised the standard of restaurants, pubs and bars, and the level of cooks. He has also served to restore native products and traditional recipes, which are now the basis of the work of many chefs. Books and pamphlets on potatoes and many types of herbs and plants, the mojos, on cheese on honey, about wine, about fish and seafood, on native meats such as rabbit, goat, pig and peculiar black sheep Canary hair, known pelibuey popularly ... The wealth of Tenerife is great and has defended the plan in some cases and retrieved in many others. Remaining dishes and products, as they remain on other islands, almost hidden from the visitor, replaced by an international cuisine with no roots and no meaning. If you have a chance to go forth with the book Tenerife, AN ISLAND WITH FLAVOR through Tenerife Infoturismo page or some of the pamphlets have been published over the years. All very interesting. However, satisfaction was seeing the ten finalists cooks used, with few exceptions, the Canary Islands products. In the mandatory prescriptions because the main ingredient was the rabbit in the country, so this in island lore. And because there were free wreckfish, sama, haddock, mackerel, lamb or pork pelibuey black reinforced with local products like potatoes, peas, chickpeas, goat cheese, the mojos, fruits , the honey wine of Malvasia.
Perfect organization, with the schedule followed to the letter and a scenario that could work simultaneously to five cooks with a huge range, equipped with all imaginable means. An example for other championships we've seen in Spain, with chefs boxed and almost hidden from the public and what is worse, to the jury. Were nine members, with the presence of cooks, representatives Tenerife academies (in this case the president) and Gran Canaria of food, a gourmet and a couple of food journalists. And we could all move with complete freedom by the spacious work area, without disturbing or interfering with the work of cooks and their assistants. Meanwhile, a member of the organization explained to the audience in the stands the progress of the championship, which were the cooks and was marking time. As I say, one of the best organized tournaments I've seen. Too bad the winner is not in the championship after Spain, which requires a very high amount for registration, which must be added the costs of moving to a cook, assistant and a member of the team several days from the Canary Islands to Madrid. I say shame, because the winner of this year I'm sure would make a great role in that championship year after year regional register notable absences, such as Catalonia, the result left lame. Test
great moment in Tenerife cuisine is that six of the finalists were from this island and contained as La Gomera, was born there, but work in Tenerife. Besides them, a representative of Gran Canaria, Lanzarote another and another of La Palma. Participated in two sessions, one for the morning and afternoon, trading each day. The first course was with rabbit. The second, free. Although the level two or three exceptions, was very high, from the first day was that there were two serious candidates. In their technique, by the way you work, the tools employed by the complexity of his dishes. And among them was the final thing, with a narrow margin of points: one was Miguel Navarro, a cook who works at the hotel ABAMA, gastronomic reference in southern Tenerife, the other Ignacio Hernández Altamira, SAFFRON restaurant in Santa Cruz , a site I do not know yet (on this trip, logically impossible) but which had good references, now seeing increased their dishes. Working both with creative, imaginative, perfect treatment product, final and very simple clean flavors. Navarro did something better rabbit loin stuffed his sausage with creamy sweet apple and fennel salad, as opposed to "Spring in the mountains of Tenerife" based on chops, chicken liver pate of almonds, wild herbs, and honey Malvasia Tajinaste. Slight advantage not served the second day. While Navarro was a central vacuum pollack soup pot (made the clarification on the stage flawlessly) with tartare of shrimp and a touch of lemon and cilantro, Nacho Hernandez filed a muddy pelibuey lamb loin with mint mojo, dates , vegetable and juice infused couscous with mint tea, clearly inspired by Moorish. Two superb cuisine, the highest level, although perhaps the second as clean presentation influenced the vote. But either chefs deserved the award.
There were many more good things. For example, see work with rigor and professionalism to the third ranked, the only woman in the final, which was Patricia García Liz. Interestingly an unemployed cook who seems to have already solved your problem with your outstanding performance, especially great regularity: hat rabbit confit with black potato chips, and three textures cod delight with aromatic risotto. The third place narrowly missed another great home cook Austrian Thomas Leeb, Essencia Restaurant, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. A delay in the delivery of your plate on the first day penalized him too, but the royal mackerel with tomato, almonds and wasabi that had the second day was worthy of an award. Of the rest, I liked the rabbit dish Hans Joachim Figge, the oldest of the participants, FINCA Montimar hotel in southern Tenerife, with a very academic central European cuisine, while the second day was not at the same level. The youngest of all, Henry Montes, the GOM (a good place in Santa Cruz which I talked about a couple of months), cook with a great future, was too nervous and that happened bill. Finally the great haddock ceviche with papaya's Juan Carlos Rodriguez, chef of the Parador de Turismo de La Palma. There were also prize for the best assistant, who went to Ruben Perez, a fellow of the winner, to the great disappointment of Sebastian Fernandez of Abama, who also did a great job. You see, in the Canary Islands in Tenerife in general and in particular, there are many gastronomic level