Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sims 2 Garden And Mansion Stuff No Cd

medium ripe tomatoes 4 pcs
; Garlic 1 head
half bunch cilantro cumin
c / s
oil 1 tablespoon white wine
1 cup
; Sea salt c / s

whole style and if you peel the garlic but two teeth that reserve, a little salt and oil in corrodible container, stainless steel, for example, We put in the oven at 180 º C until done, that is soft, while they cool put the wine in a small pot to a boil, then remove from the heat it with the rest of ingredietes we crushed in a mortar until it becomes a paste, the thickness of it depends on individual taste.

tomatoes and garlic we can go through a puree passes, we can help to squash with a fork or mixer but I would advise if it is blender not give much time to not be refined. Once the tomatoes and crushed garlic have them add the pasta you have in the mortar, mix well and let stand finished in the fridge, add salt if necessary, you can add a little spice the most amount of crushed raw garlic or a few black peppercorns.

Canaria This sauce has its prosedencia of the islands of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, suitable for mild-tasting fish, wrinkled potatoes, etc ...
do hope that and tell me that you think that! Greetings

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Valima Dress Pakistani Cost

video cilantro recipe, Smooth

Friday, December 17, 2010

Beds For Heavy People

chanfaina chops and loin of rabbit stuffed with mushrooms and mashed squash and potatoes

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Position For Brazillian Wax

Gofio Clouds Lemon Tortilla Taco

Egg 4 pcs
Gelatin in sheets 3 pcs
Lemon 1 und
Sugar half the weight of the clear

hydrate the gelatin sheets in cold water, with sugar syrup and we developed a riding the egg whites until stiff to which you grate the lemon, once assembled, will add the gelatin sheets syrup, let stand 5 minutes and add the syrup to the whites, but very slowly and always beating so that they will not go down, after mixing everything well on paper towels extend, giving the thickness we want and with the help of a strainer, sprinkle it gofio, we put in the fridge and leave 1 hour, or until we see that is gelled, cut with using a pastry cutter or knife, we gofio by the party did not have, and eat.

This recipe is made with the same principle as the clouds of the store, the only thing is that these are developed in a completely homemade.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Indola Silk And Cotton

gofio Rojo Mojo Mix and Custard

Ingredients Potatoes Egg

onion red pepper red Mojo
Mix Gofio

Peel the potatoes, onions and batons, put them to fry in plenty of oil over medium heat, pibamos pepper and add to potatoes and onions, once we have it all right poached we put in a bowl add the eggs where and chopped parsley and a couple of tablespoons cuhraradas gofio and a red mojo and salt to taste and mix well. We have a pan with a drizzle of oil is very hot and make the resulting turning juicy tortilla.

Once we start we have made the tortilla tacos, we added over red mojo spreading across the surface and over a little mojo gofio have a couple of minutes for the gofio mojo wet out and ready! to eat.

Friday, October 29, 2010

What Are Wallaby Shoes

Palmero cinnamon, strawberry gelatin with fruit glaze caramelized meringue

royal strawberry jelly 1 on
Eggs 4 pcs
Sugar 200 grams
Milk 1 / 2 L
1 tablespoon cornstarch
Butter 1 tsp Lemon 1

und Cinnamon stick 1 pc Cinnamon
powder 1 teaspoon

Pera 1 und 1 und Apple Grapes
5 pcs per serving
Strawberries 2 pcs per serving

For the custard:
boil the milk with some of the lemon peel and cinnamon stick, clearly separated of the yolk, poniwendo yolks in a metal container, we added 90 grams of sugar move with a rebar and add the cornstarch and cinnamon and continue stirring well, once the add boiling milk to yolk mixture and other ingredients mix well to move around in a uniform, put on low heat until it begins to boil, but always while moving with the rebar, remove from heat and get into the fridge to cool. We do
Gelain strawberry according to the manufacturer's mark, geletina royal, let cool in the fridge but you get to set.
In a frying pan 50 grams butter and sugar over medium heat when mentequilla and sugar are melted incorporate the pears and apples, peeled and cut into medium pieces and fry until to golden brown and put in the container where you want to go eat, followed put the rest of the fruit, add the gelatin to cover the fruit and put it in the fridge to keep cool.
We take two egg whites to which add the remaining sugar and lemon part of our surplus, but this time we painted it in mounted steel bowl using merengue a rebar until stiff.

Once we have everything ready we only need to add the custard to gelatin and fruit that we already had in the fridge, with the help of a pastry bag and make a rosette meringue over the custard and broil get into a hot oven a few seconds or until the meringue turns a cinnamon but not necessarily all, if we have the possibility that it is only for the top better.
, in this case I've baked with a small torch baker, gelatin can be varied taste like fruit, according to taste!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Male 60s Birthday Speech


just a few days for the September 26, the date on which the Venezuelans once again have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote direct, universal and secret ballot. Unfortunately

electoral scenario remains the same as always, a polarized electoral scenario where the third option represents the feel of a sector that disagrees with the ends but has failed so far to capitalize on the strength that allows them to be imposed against them and where unlike the Ni-Ni are known to be the sword of Damocles that fails to fall on either end by becoming the big star of the process.

In this scenario in Venezuela Current is repeated every year, there is no room for construction of the country, much less a serious discussion of ideas, every year we embarked on an adventure election, which more than a discussion of proposals becomes a battle where the objective more than conquerors, for some need is demolished. Hence, even though each process before imposing target for both is to capture the attention of neither-nor, the fact is that to date have failed to beat the battle and continue to represent the sector desired by some to consolidate majority or by others to impose in the election battle.

on both sides have made efforts but not very productive, to capture the their attention, but what they seem not to understand any of the two poles, is that the population neither-nor has different origins, first-voting ex officio, the other irresponsible group that tries to live outside the situation in the country, those whom you no matter the fate of the country they live in parallel and in the world political events have no impact. But there are those who for one reason or another found in the abstention a valid way to draw attention and express their discontent or more a very concrete way of saying they do not feel represented by either of the two factors. Even though I do not share this position, not for me to judge, because I understand that somehow belong to parties who have major responsibility for this discontent, either to the ruling party or to which they form the opposition. This no doubt has given way to a third option that has lined up his entire offensive to both ends to try to capture those who do not identify with them, posing as an alternative way to channel this discontent is certainly inconsistent electoral scenario polarized demands the need to retreat to extremes to ensure a suitable platform to build an alternative free country where they have room for diversity and plurality of proposals and thoughts.

So far this scenario is sadly biased expectations have used to build a real political alternative at the same time has become more difficult will fly up the possibility of the country towards a proposal that goes beyond the electoral landscape.

On the one hand we have a ruling party that combines the action of government in time "future perfect" I will .. I promise I will build ... ... ignores the present and after 11 years is still making excuses in the past. On the other hand we assume the challenge of achieving consensus as the only way to form a block party capable of winning elections, but without sacrificing the interests of each party and its leadership. Thus we have seen that while the official pole revolves around one character and one voice, on the other side will make great efforts to achieve agreement among political factors than by their own ideological and partisan nature have always been adverse to the end no matter who your allies, the idea is to add and add, all that is the enemy of my enemy is welcome, even if my enemy, and build the so-called opposition, willingly or unwillingly we fall back, we come together and dance to us marked the adversary not only repair our differences we focus on our common goal: CHAVEZ and do not work according to an alternative but that we engage strives to be a minority and opposition win this war, a war from every standpoint uneven and disproportionate, a war that requires us to decide, to establish a position and even to support those who once also adversely lockstep.

However despite the differences that were dormant, as expected, because the way we recognize those that separate us from our allies or differentiated, because each party has focused its actions to the political vision that defined, yet despite having fought his own internal struggle, we maintain our common goal, because beyond the confrontation of ideas, the debate must, visions opposite, and the struggle to maintain individual leadership, we can overcome and we finally an election under the slogan of the UNITY and CHANGE.

"Unity is not the best but it's there" and is also the option that guarantees a favorable election result, difficult to assimilate but imperative is to accept it because what is at stake is the survival freedom of dissent against a government with a strong hue totalitarian and repressive, which has faced down all its powers to the whims of one man. Many seem not to understand it and are betting on the birth and construction of a new alternative alternative surely be postponed but that in turn is in the midst of an election campaign where you find the scenario more suitable to achieve condensation. Hence, the so-called third way or independent candidates are in my opinion out of context in a polarized election scenario, there seems even more reprehensible, as are proposals that although there have been built, the same way as ballot are the result of failing to support within a consensus that initially supported. That is, supporting a proposed unit and then whatever reasons, to support a third option in a polarized setting will no doubt prove counterproductive to the interest groups the sector even beyond opposition parties and sectors that comprise it.

On the other side the stage is certainly easier, there are no problems of leadership, there is the only leader Chavez, only he decides, only their ideas are imposed, so there is no chance or possibility for an internal confrontation, at least able to affect the objectives of the leader. Everything revolves around him, his party and his project, going beyond is not allowed for surely upset the electoral platform more than it already has been affected by continued signs of failure occurs in the setting of government which undoubtedly has become the spearhead of the Opposition who spent its catalog of proposals to the background and strengthened its attack on the opponent's weaknesses (Electric-Corpoelec collapse, food containers, PDVAL expired, spill in Lake-PDVSA-Tragedies insecurity, etc).

The point is that this process is imposed by the need to retake the path of unity, which is not meant giving up the individual objectives of each party, which was necessary was the need to redefine our priorities and understand that but Beyond the consolidation of a game was postponed to ensure freedom and democracy in our country, it was necessary to understand that a polarized electoral scenario, although not the ideal, is what we have, the choice is simple .. or we retire or play us, we take the first option in 2005 and have seen the results ... so if we choose to participate q must also decide whether we win or we booked in accumulated losses on our mistakes, unit results we saw in 2007 but no doubt the results of 2008 show more clearly the effects of consensus.

Political parties have made many mistakes, "civil society also has committed, as the student movement has been committed, all in some way or other we are responsible for everything that has happened in this fight. But today there time to make more mistakes, it's time to rectify on the tasks not to dent them, it's time to forget everything, personality, selfishness, work on the country, working on the basis of true unity, a transparent unit, a unit that will lift our patriotism and our float love of country and our commitment to history, a unit that focuses on a single objective, which is not Chavez, but Venezuela, a unit without colors, a unit of all and for all, a unit without sides, a drive that is not disrespectful, not to mess tripping, not back each other, a unit that allows us to restore the greatness of a nation and demonstrating that Venezuela will never be unity defeated by tyranny. Our drive is not the best but it certainly is the only way to guarantee the turnaround required by the country. Posted

with WordPress for BlackBerry.

Friday, September 17, 2010

First Menses After D & C What Does It Look Like

jail or death for the offender ... New State Policy on security?

According to the GNB Gen. Antonio Benavides dead in clashes with police forces can not be included in casualty rates because of the insecurity, because their mode to see the fate of a criminal is jail or underground.

try to condense all the ideas that went through my mind to avoid leaving any out .. and they were so many that are not as spinning them without losing perspective, so that will depart from some premises that I believe contain the background that lies behind his remarks ...

Inconsistency: inconsistency from every point of view, because the mere fact of approaching death as a departure and is inconsistent with the "alleged" humanist essence of this pseudo socialism. But coupled with this, the discourse also disrupts the humanization of the police and prisons to the Minister El Aissami adopted the slogan of taking the position as the office of Interior and Justice. But beyond the contradictions arising of any process, safety is certainly counterproductive, since it exposes to the public so far have failed to define clearly and precisely the principles that guide the policies of security.

In addition to the manifest inconsistency, also reflects a tacit acceptance of the government's inability to consciously and effectively address the issue of security. That is, when the highest representative of a security and order State public justifies a criminal's death as a valid option to end their criminal actions clearly demonstrate the futility, inconvenience or inefficiency of other channels or alternate security policy, detract from any effort, I have no doubt, some officers attached to ministerial office have advanced in the construction of concrete policies to adequately address the problem.

Moreover, personally I think a sovereign Immorality of this General that in his catalog of options for the offender, including jail, I guess that is the bonus prize courtesy or card, because if my humble knowledge does not fail me precisely that component of the Armed Forces who have the responsibility to safeguard the internal order of Prisons, in which, needless to say has utterly failed in its objective, because of the inability to control the entry of weapons and also to nullify the power of big criminal gangs operating from jails turning them into a resort, training and shelter for criminals. Our prisons seem to mass graves of the undead, a kind of underworld that seems determined to exert remote control of the outside world and what to ask Gen. Benavides is that, it was evident that We won the battle crime and seized all offensive checkpoints, canceling all of our defenses, then towards this objective should focus their offense, this should be your priority, which is not only necessary to implement an effective mechanism for complete and total disarmament, but this should be articulated with a real politics of transformation of penal institutions that can fulfill the purpose while humanizing fulfill its function resocializing and its goal of social reintegration.

Now it is clear that the security issue is not resolved only at punitive and repressive prison system and anarchy, the issue of security is a tradeoff that requires to be addressed seriously and consistency.

believe that the security of citizens of a nation depends only on the capacity of the police and all its apparatus is naive but also counterproductive if they endorse a purely repressive function without depleting the necessary preventive action aimed at strengthening appropriate conditions of peaceful coexistence. While it is equally imperative to ensure the education, training, provision of equipment and minimum conditions of stability for the highest and most optimal capacity of such police action.

It is clear that Venezuela neither of these conditions has been guaranteed, therefore we have a police force lacking in dedication to service, does not know the scope and limits of his authority in inequality of conditions is called upon to risk their physical integrity against a criminal sector each more articulated, without nor with social and economic conditions that foster its institutional commitment. Under these circumstances, we intend to institutionalize a repressive police erected on a weak moral formation through a process of revival of policing that is born with the firm intention to remedy these deficiencies but while, under the premise of the General, is to dehumanize from before birth.

Similarly, police action can not be assumed on an autonomous or isolated, because the action (though efficient) would be equally useless if it does not have an incorruptible judiciary, fair, speed, ensuring efficient and self-adjusted treatment as part of due process, but most capable of ensuring a fair sentence, which leads to the need for a regulatory body that fits the principles that guide the state, but especially suited to the factual conditions surrounding the offense.

While the issue of public safety can not be conceived as a responsibility of the leaders if he is given the responsibility to assume a top priority of the state, since through it ensures good most valuable human being as it is right to life and the ultimate goal of a nation that is the consolidation of the progress-oriented society and the inner peace within the parameters of respect for the law and social justice, but also requires the subject of Public Safety is addressed on a structural and systematic in all its aspects or elements involved in it.
blame isolated and understand that it is a structural problem that we are all responsible party and is also a big mistake. The problem of insecurity in Venezuela is rooted in the levels of violence we have achieved as a society, violence in all its forms, violence that is manifested in the treatment, the loss of manners, in the physical environment around you, in loss of respect for others and the loss of respect for authority, the elderly, the loss of the vocation of service of teachers, police etc, the loss of our sense of humanity, the loss of sensitivity to the pain of others violence certainly occurs in many ways until it becomes unstoppable, hence in a society that has taken violence to life and has become a total anarchy can only reverse its effects by attacking the root causes at the same time attacking the other of the elements that constitute it.

is why we at statements like those of Gen. Benavides, there is the urgent need for society to rethink the objective, purpose and rationale of the Public Security Policies framed in Dibis, and determine whether the path taken to address crime is to prevent or violence, because before the present circumstances double standards would lead to the implementation of parallel actions that undoubtedly contribute to rather than solve the problem would instead unstoppable.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Cost Of Cataract Operation In Chennai


No doubt that this August has been a bit unusual, you say that Venezuela is what is left dead, but perhaps what makes it unusual is that during this month that culminates just killed two people, emblematic for both sidewalks. First to clarify, not try to create points of comparison between the two, because beyond their beliefs and actions, they were both parents, both were Venezuelans, both as human beings deserved respect during his lifetime and after his death ... both also were cruelly vilified by their opponents and somehow also both were betrayed by many who were once allies said today hypocritically cried at his grave full of false outrage.
A Tascón betrayed its chairman and all day Pharisees who claimed his death shocked the insults of many opponents, pretenders all, turned their backs and their accomplice silence supported his expulsion ... as always said, learned Tascón deal with the hatred of the opposition, but more difficult was to survive the treachery of those with whom and for whom fought. Exacerbated the hatred of opponents was expected, although I confess that I personally did not know how to deal with so much hatred and resentment, justified or not, only revealing the inhuman and cruel side of people, especially people who remain ever been the victim of hate today simply became executioners. I do not really understand, because if what they hate him so much criticize our opponents, not respond with the same hatred that we can overcome it. But the way things are now in my country, a feeling that he thought highly personal individualisimo today it is a collective sense ...
But like everything in life serves as a sort of boomerang in death within weeks missed sidewalk and dragged him to a man who say what they gave their lives for something they really had to believe with all your soul, because no one is sacrificed in this way without a reason. Blackmail theory falls apart with the death of Franklin Brito, no fortune can be compared to family life and are ultimately the most precious of all human beings. This man died with the conviction that their struggle was just and perhaps hoping that it would not be in vain, because he knew the meaning of their struggle went beyond some land, even beyond the indisputable right to property was more a matter of respect and dignity for the human condition and especially a Venezuelan citizen status. Many did not understand their struggle, even so in many ways we express our respect and solidarity, some supported the strike, others tried to stop her, but in the end, like everything we did enough, we signed a petition ... a # hashtag on twitter, but I never saw a horny people protest his abduction, no doubt because the decision to intern at the military hospital against his will was but an ordinary kidnapping of a regime whose authorities have lost respect for the law, for human dignity and even themselves. As a people we gave back in many ways .. because in the end he died alone in the four walls of their executioners chose. At the end we await silent this outcome, we knew we would come and to which simply were not able to establish a decisive position.
the end, none of the 2 sidewalks were able to understand the message, none was able to see beyond the political color of his death, none was able to understand that behind the color was a Venezuelan who by circumstances of life left their mark on this world. . good or bad, sad or happy .. leave traces that are unforgettable because they reflect a conviction.
perhaps from this post thinking that many do I hate comparisons, but like I said, for me are 2 men who lived and died in different circumstances but were vilified and betrayed to the same extent. Reviled by the most genuine representation of indolence and the unconsciousness that has permeated much of society, victims of this hate group that eats away the natural nobility of the Venezuelan and it really despicable beings ... Betrayed by those who turned their backs. . by silent ... for those who took the road of indifference, becoming accomplices of great injustices, betrayed by those who were not able to appreciate their sacrifices ...
At the end of the month each sidewalk had its dead ... For those who wanted to convert them into a banner here Ali left it short of our First
"They will not be with her flag to embrace .. and can not lift that leaves the fight time .. not balk or living legends .. "Posted
with WordPress for BlackBerry.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Decorating A Rabbit Cage For Christmas

Live Webcast Walk

Video streaming by Ustream

In a joint effort between ARCA, FANCA, APREFLOFAS and Country Journal, will be broadcast live over the internet, walk against open pit mining in Crucitas, Northern Costa Rica. Join us and witness as 40 walkers from the communities surrounding the mine, accompanied by environmentalists Costa Rican, Nicaraguan and Panamanian travel 200 km to 7 days after arriving in San Jose, where they will be greeted by a massive concert for life.

Transmission come to you live at the following times:

Monday, 21 August:

12:00 M, 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM

Tuesday August 22 to Saturday 28 August:

8:00 AM, 12:00 M, 4:00 PM and 8:00 PM

(All times local to Costa Rica)

also join us at the following address: www

. arca.co.cr



Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wii Power Suply Brazil

Tascon ...

Loved by some, hated by others and betrayed by many Luis Tascon be remembered as an emblematic figure of the century polarized Venezuela XXI. Tascon was a man who could say, among other things, that was a strong advocate of the left and firm believer in the Revolution, who lived according to his ideas, which until the end were his guide. A man who bet everything on a revolution that involved a real transformation of the state in all variables, but eventually had to concede that goal in 11 years of government had failed. Still refused to give up his ideal of the country and struggle to build a real home. Many agree
considered the most representative icon of the apartheid regime imposed by the Venezuelan President Chavez from the process of collecting signatures to approve the Recall Referendum of 2004. Was charged directly by the political persecution that was generated with the list, while he became the target of the most severe attack by the Venezuelan opposition and those who directly or indirectly, to date, continue to face discrimination policy for having signed against the president in 2004.
No doubt Tascon list was for a double-edged sword, that the first change, made him the liking and beneplacencia the President, who always considered the leader of a revolution that would lead our country to move towards true social transformation of the state, a project that moved all without hesitation, even its name, being declared sole parent of a list that did not beget, because if you remember, the database of the signatories was published SUMATE that was the agency responsible manage the collection process, as well as being broadcast by Globovision through its website and which can have free access through a sms to 8080. Still did not hesitate to take paternity leave, as he said, assuming responsibility for the good and bad that it would derive. Unfortunately the Tascon list was converted into a weapon of political persecution that went beyond all limits and contributed greatly not only a broken society, but at the same time to the consolidation of an exclusionary regime that made confrontation and hate their best political strategy, hate by the way, everyone at some point we have been party to any of its facets. Unlike many false revolutionaries Tascón lived according to his ideas and loyal to the national project led by President Chavez, committed to the core in the real transformation of the state became one of the staunchest critics of the excesses. And corruption of their own government, which ironically cost him his expulsion from the political party he helped form. Many of those who benefited from that list became the executioners who were the facilitators, experienced firsthand the disrepute by those who once flattered him and those who were "comrades" become his most bitter opponents, enfilar not hesitate to all artillery against them. Ironically, many of these false comrades who turned their backs on the debacle of his political life today so hypocritical and without the slightest hint of decency to criticize the opposition to celebrate his death, other deplorable action, but that certainly has its origin in that hatred exacerbated during 11 years has been planted and harvested in the soul of Venezuelans. At the end Tascón learned to deal with the hatred of the opposition severely beaten and thousands of families who saw him and "his list" the most executioner and therefore their enemy. However, if I could feel something in our conversations was the deep sadness of being betrayed by those who considered his buddies, his comrades and betting everything on a project that never failed to materialize, but above all by the way their leader, the man he admired, which followed, to whom he was always fair, just looked down and paused while the vultures of false Revolution used it as cannon fodder, said in his own words at a time chavez chose between my position and thieves, they won and lost the revolution ... " Still
stood firm in their struggle to build nation, to make a real revolution, with Chavez or not, but ultimately kept the hope to rectify, not had time to tell me if they kept their faith in him or in the end lost as many have already done, but that despite all no grudge against anyone for whom no doubt had become his major executioners. We did not have much time to discuss our differences and positions, but the twitter paved the way and two long interviews or rather conversations were enough to meet the man humble and happy to hide behind the list ... many projects were pending as Infogobierno Act which Cilia Flores y su combo they put so many obstacles after his expulsion from the PSUV, we also stayed pending the visit to the Chamber of the NA, but most of us still pending construction of the country ... still my Pana Tascón that God rest his soul and give peace to your soul, because is that ultimately you may have errors were committed in the name of your revolution and the country that aspired .. Sent from my BlackBerry

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rs-9600 Robertshaw Thermostat Manual

The ambitious vision of future green gold

Heidy Murillo Quesada
Vice President - Federation for the Conservation Costaricense Ced
environment. 205220758

At times it is amazing the way as two separate individuals possess university degrees and postgraduate studies, addressing issues of national and international interest in the case that concerns me, the article by Don Humberto Pacheco "Crucitas O CRUZOTAS" leaves no my attention.

Estimating the economic scope of compensation should reconocérsele a mining company in the event of a unilateral breach of the concession for mining Crucitas has no real handle, let alone support a serious analysis of costs, benefits and financial damage derivatives. Mining is estimated, according to public information known, in which 700,000 ounces for a scenario of prices in a favorable market environment can reach $ 1,400 per ounce, which means that the gross sales of the metal may reach $ 980 million. This means that the estimate announced by senior government officials found to be higher by 80% over gross sales for the entire period of exploitation of the gold reserves of the mine. By all means, continue to refer to that amount as true, is irresponsible.

All investments made by the mining to date have been at your own risk, in both who have never had permission to sign, on the grounds that for many years we have not given up contesting in various administrative and judicial means resources have not yet been exhausted.

In a possible application by Gold inifinite to a decision by the national government to prevent mining in Crucitas, it is extremely difficult for transnational achieve a favorable result, as there are different arguments of deep technical strength and decisions have been taken against the grain on the administrative and legal provisions. The final scope of the alleged compensation, compensation should be recognized that the mining company must be set by an international tribunal.

The firm commitment to environmental protection, investment in education and health is what has made our country an example for the rest of the region. We have shown that mining is not necessary to develop, and not me, it is HP's behalf who referred to the quality of the Costa Rican labor with great satisfaction, and tourism, which comes to rest, filled with life, energy and healthy environments to our biodiversity, which has sustained tens of thousands of Costa Ricans, who today can continue their activity because it is sustainable over time, is not exhausted.

Unsustainability which, by definition mining, the exploitation of 10 years only leaves destruction in its wake, where after that time can not perform any other activity is synonymous with "Bread today, hunger tomorrow and it's a foolish bet. In any case, the evidence in the rest of Central America shows that when a mining company withdraws communities are in worse environmental, social and economic than before, and that would cost much higher for the Costa Rican society to promote activities at this time sustainable.

So much so that the cost benefit as a sovereign nation we decide to eradicate the root mining of our country, no doubt, would be positive.

Any decision of the executive power to repeal the decree of public interest and national convenience Crucitas mining project is legal and legitimate process, plus there are plenty of arguments to support it.

face of all these arguments, the fallacy is clearly raising Humberto invoking the argument of "legal security" as opposed to our sovereign decision to expel Infinite Crucitas, supported by 9 out of 10 in Costa Rica. Don Humberto

also refers to arguments based on fear of economic loss for the poorest, Soviet lights parasitic and other epithets converted out of date by at least 20 years when the wall came down and I was 12, as well as a misogynist arguments questioning the decisions of a woman ... No, not worth discussing because they do not come to my height.

Anyway, very concrete evidence about the inconvenience of mining in our country, beginning with the sacrifice of other activities that are environmentally sustainable, socially and economically, this is the basis for sustainable development, as I said before, supported by 9 out of 10 Costa Rican and they do have, contrary to what arises Don Humberto, a very futuristic and very ambitious. So ambitious is that vision, There are many achievements and wealth, which many can not see her in the narrow-minded to earn a return of gold mirrors. Many have progressed, others are condemned to repeat history, we move forward, we are the ones who refuses to make the same mistakes. The visionary and progressive, we see more than gold, green gold see the future.

Episoden Bulma Und Vegta

The resource curse and poverty

Examples Don Jaime Gutierrez cites in his article "the attic is determined to be poor" on Tuesday, August 3 indicate a lack of knowledge about history and reality in Central America and Panama in relation to of Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a country with virtually no mines and no However, in relative terms is much less poverty than other Central American countries where the mines are open pit gold export decades inherited wealth and poverty. There

countries to expel more youth in the region to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, and, however, gold mining in the open is an important part of economic activities in those countries. Costa Rica has no channel, but its indigenous and rural populations have a much higher quality of life for the average Panamanian indigenous and rural population.

megadistrito Panama has a financial and also has first world roads but the 300,000 or more indigenous Ngobe people, inheritors of an ancient cultural wealth are totally excluded from that wealth, live in extreme poverty and many are forced to migrate into Costa Rica in search of decent work. Source

corruption. Maybe Don Jaime has not heard about the "resource curse," an analysis that make international leading economists such as Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz. This man explained that extractive resources often encourage corruption and easy money for an elite and mining-based economy creates "rich countries with poor people" (as in the case of Guatemala and other countries in the region).

also suggests that the prices of extractive products are very volatile and distort or not conducive to an economy based on sustainable production and enrichment of human capital. Such is the case of gold in Costa Rica: when the mining company began managing the project (less than three years) the gold was worth $ 300 per ounce, now Don Alfio Piva, our vice president, estimates irresponsibly unnecessary compensation based on Priced at $ 1,200 per ounce. Perhaps

Don Jaime has not delved into controversial texts such as Don Pepe "The Poverty of Nations" where points about the differences between wealth and money and explains why we consider to plant grains and maintain food sovereignty of a country creates wealth.

Maybe then it would be further explanation of why young people migrate Perez Zeledon: Depending on the maldistribution in the land, favored by the concentration of land in the hands of the corporation pineapple, or the abandonment of our policy of food sovereignty based on agro-ecological systems to the detriment of farmers and institutions much loved by our farmers as they were the CNP, IDA and the MAG itself.

Costa Rica was an exemplary country for the region and the world, its wealth based on a comprehensive educational program on social investment in products produced from the plot peasant agro-ecological systems (coffee, cocoa, grains, tubers, etc.). At the time that the economy transnationalized, when the multinational fruit (pineapple, orange, banana) farm families began to move, when we left to the elements of the alleged "free market" of more than twenty thousand peasant families producing 100% of beans that we ate in the mid 80's, then began to open up the huge gap between rich and poor, and started to centroamericanizarnos. Contempt

. Finally, we should remind Don Jaime when it comes to our biodiversity so contemptuous that it was precisely that biodiversity (these "bugs, Alipate and big birds") that allowed and promoted the initial ecotourism in Costa Rica, which in turn attracted hundreds of thousands of tourists every year who have maintained the country's main industry in the last fifteen years.

Bloons App Cheat Pack 3 Level 32

The EU ban on cyanide-based mining

Jorge Mora

Portuguez * On 5 May the European Parliament adopted a resolution (RC-B7-0238/2010) on behalf of the European Union (EU) ban the cyanide-based mining in countries that comprise it. This resolution was issued by the parliamentary body of the Union, but to become binding, the European Commission (the executive) should accept it and return it to Parliament in the form of proposed legislation or policy.

However, in accordance with the answer given by the commissioner of Environment, Slovak Janez Potocnik, to a question from a citizen via the Internet, and without yet known in detail the formal resolution, the Commission rejected European Parliament's initiative.

this decision "invalidates the argument put forward by Parliament? No way. The arguments and justifications that Parliament would remain there, and although it was not welcomed by the Commission, it constitutes a formal resolution of the highest political body of Europe. Members of the European Parliament, unlike the Commission are elected by direct universal suffrage, is therefore in the space of representation is more democratic and representative of the Union. Its resolutions, recommendations, its pronouncements are very important political force. However, unlike the common parliaments, the European Parliament has no bill. You can only know the proposals that have been submitted to it by the European Commission (a body that has the bill in the EU). Then, when the Parliament wants to boost its own initiative any legislation or policy, issued a resolution that asks the Commission to propose, as appropriate, at the same Parliament or the Council of the European Union.

This is exactly what happened with the resolution on the prohibition of the use of cyanide in mining. The European Parliament asks the Commission to propose to Parliament itself and the Council to ban the use of cyanide. The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority of MPs of all persuasions (488 votes to only 48 votes against and 57 abstentions).

historic resolution. The fact that the Commission welcomed the initiative of the European Parliament does not diminish the political strength at this historic resolution, or recitals, or their motivations, it happened only evidence of the powerful political leverage with multinational mining companies and their representatives in the various levels of government. To understand why the European Commission rejected the Parliament's resolution, we must first consider its political composition. The European Commission consists of 27 commissioners who represent different parties, of which only three are currently defined as progressive. All others are clearly conservative-leaning and right, low sensitivity to environmental and social issues. No wonder therefore that the European Commission has been leaning against this historic resolution.

Parliament The case is different. It comprises 750 members, with representation from many political and ideological currents that go from right to left, through Green parties, environmentalists, socialists, democrats, centrist and pro-independence, provide a forum more representative of different social sectors that make up the Union.

Is the decision based on valid European Commission to promote mining? No way. According to the commissioner Potocnik, monitoring bodies, current legislation in the EU, as well as the technologies used in Europe for the prevention of accidents involving cyanide. Still, in accordance with the European Parliament in the last 10 years there have been over 30 incidents of this kind in Europe, some nearly graves.Por other hand we have seen what happens in the rest of Latin America, with constant spills in Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and other countries in the region. In the case of Costa Rica and we had our first experience with the collapse of the tailings pond in Miramar de Puntarenas mine. Control

weak, high costs. Institutions like SETENA MINAET, municipalities are still too weak to exercise proper control and oversight, our water legislation is outdated, and specifically in the case of Industrias Infinito, which aims to build a mine in the area of \u200b\u200bCrucitas, no previous experience in developing mining projects and, therefore, has never used the sophisticated technology required such ventures.

Even the Bristish Petroleum, experienced multinational oil company, could provide the oil spill off the coast of Louisiana, which despite using the latest technology and most existing control has caused the biggest ecological disaster of humanity.

We can not allow our country to develop as highly risky activity. Our development model has to move towards sustainable use of our scenic beauty of our biological diversity of our flora and fauna, betting on ecotourism, the development of cleaner technologies, industries with less environmental impact and higher profitability than mining The meager profits leaving the country compared with social and environmental costs we all have to assume.

* Central American Action Network (FANCA).

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gay Grand Canyon Cruze

2. LA VENEZUELA your dream ... we all dream!

The previous post visions of 2 showed opposite trends between the two was not clearly possible to build a joint national vision, common to all. However, each from his position made their contributions, outlined an idea, not very precise, but valid, as delineated on the Venezuela they wanted and dreamed.

In this new entry, if you will, I advance a little more in the construction of this idea ... from here, you may notice that begin to have a broader perspective about the country we want, maybe some polarized shades but in essence, each is avoca to show their idea directly oriented toward the country he wants, but most of the Venezuela that dream. Already at this stage we have overcome the obstacle of 140 characters and leave a little aside the issue of polarization, for avocados just to take the first steps in building our dream country.

Fortunately, for the remaining 140 characters or more were enough to share his vision of the country, to express how Venezuela is that they want and dream, without conditions, without cortapizas, uncensored just a few words to express their ideas, which enclose desires and demands in summarizing the basic needs of the Venezuelan group as a whole and beyond its own political orientation, (@ The Vzla to sleep, no I fit in 140 characters. But above all, I want free, legal and personal security.) , Freedom and Security, two words that begin here from repeated over and over again as a reflection of a collective need a society in some way or another feels threatened both his life and interests.

So there are those who called upon the patriotic commitment that requires us putting our country over any other interest (@ A little hard to put into 140, for all q I, but it is a proper and accurate summary Venezuela want is the one where everyone feels first to his homeland and its people. Assume responsibility commitments country. For details, would have to write at length) indeed if anything is to be rescued in this country is the true sense of patriotism, that which goes beyond words, which is not a mere political slogan, but he feels and manifests itself in every act, every action, every step we take and every project we undertake. Not enough to say we're the best, you have to feel, needs to be addressed and above all things must defend (@ @ Trapiello differ from the 140 characters and asked me also tell you "Venezuela is destined to be a power") . Be 1 power, more than a dream should be our compass, be a power in every way, but above all be a power held in a large corporation, a partnership first with first-class citizens. A society we are all part and we can all feel a part, but this can not be an isolated, should be a joint effort (@ building it collectively ...) , allowing us between everyone and everyone's efforts to achieve our goal (@ with all pointing to the same Obj Venezuelans, many education and support to private enterprise, sports and the arts.) A common goal can be constructed even on our differences and guide us in our move daily (@ All Venezuelans united by a common goal; A Prosperous Venezuela. .. regardless of political preferences) A society can be imposed on political differences and where all we are clear that the objective is common to all. a Venezuela that is built every day and which we ourselves who we outlined our destiny (@ No I have 140 characters to describe, but trust me I work every day to achieve it.) Venezuela is constructed so that we want.

Some seem to have lost faith (@ and or) , we can not blame them because sometimes we see the struggle for day to day so uphill that country that everyone dreams feels increasingly distant and impossible. Pensao perhaps because it is a dream alone, became convinced that it is utopia or worse can come to consider "cheesy" (q @ as answer without sounding corny or pamphlet? Capitalist do not want it! I do not want sick d consumption! Something human + the dream) or politiqueron taken from a slogan which is a mistake, for a dream overvoltage country and more humane country reflects the nobility of our soul and is the kind of dreams that is worth fighting, our dreams can not aspirational nonsense, on the contrary should be the first sure step toward what many consider unattainable but in our hearts should be lifted as the great challenge of our life, that purpose that guides and directs every step we take and that somehow gives you reason to us as citizens. Therefore I disagree with those who believe it is necessary to dream of Venezuela who want to build (@ Venezuela does not need dreams, needs and proposed actions to resolve serious problems of Venezuelans) , For the Venezuela that we must first dream it, draw it, paint it on the horizon and define clearly the path that will allow us to make that dream a reality, the grandeur of our dreams is not on the magnitude of what we dream but on the strength and courage that we put to make it happen. Our ability to dream should be proportional to our ability to turn those dreams into a tangible reality to the senses, is a matter of Dream-Want-To, (@ Dream not, I want a Venezuela where we can walk freely without fear, i where we all live in freedom. I want a sovereign Vzla.) be convinced that we have the necessary tools to build our destiny as a society and country (@ TNEMOS BECAUSE THAT I WANT A FIRST WORLD COUNTRY D EXCLUSION ZERO, ZERO IMPUNITY zero corruption, FULL EMPLOYMENT & PUBLIC SERVICE) not that we have to do ... I would say that we plenty to do, we just lack the will and genuine commitment to our homeland, a collective commitment, a commitment. Certainly Venezuelans share a dream of country (q @ I q is the same dream all! As you dream q! Truth, free independent, q there is true justice!) , a collective dream of a common goal (@ Similar to your Venezuela, is a collective dream: freedom, justice, security and progress .. In peace and without poverty! ) , and indeed it should be everyone's dream, a dream to which all direct our efforts, but should be a country dream, a dream for Venezuela.

Beyond the road we take, it is essential that our dreams Venezuela includes us all without exception (@ No differences in the q Vzla dream! But if the path to achieve it: Chavez is not militarism! ! Many believe q is not a route the "restoration" to the past. You have a 3rd q means, right?) , this is not the first, second, third or fourth via, the case that all lead us toward the same goal.

Why a country like ours dreams of being free, being an inherent right of freedom to our own human nature and guaranteed by our Constitution? Freedom can not be conceived as an excuse to fight against that which we do not share, nor can it be limited for the convenience of those in power. Freedom must be accompanied by true sense for us to guarantee their scope and grandeur in terms of progress and stability of a country based on the full development and exercise of citizenship rights.

Some dream of a country specific issues to ensure progress social and citizenship development (@ the Venezuela that dream and I is whole, free and thriving ...;) unit as a nation that allows us to fight collectively for our goals in any field, from something as simple as football preferences (@ Dream a Vzla where "civil society" do not put flags of other countries on Venezuelan soil for a World Cup) and if we have really reached a point where we are able to support global teams above our burgundy or even worse, downplaying our national team and the role that these do represent the country at various sporting events worldwide. It's funny how despite being a country with a prominent and talented youth from all areas, sports, musical, cultural, scientific, etc, sometimes it seems that simply do not care, we like our musicians are highly acclaimed throughout the world and pay great amounts of money to enjoy their talent, while we here prefer to let the wage to an international artist, this shows how little importance we place on our own, to the homemade, the local talent in all its manifestations. We must learn to appreciate the greatness that comes from our land, give our support, unconditional support and trust we give to our brother, our family, that ours is our pride ... and why no, go back to that slogan or tagline that "our way is better".

to ACA has been an arduous task to compile all comments and contributions from fans. For those who wonder why the authors omit is simply because beyond my particular way of spinning each comment, in essence, reflects the feel, the longing, the aspiration of many beyond their political dream of a better country for everyone.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Space Walker Mainboard Drivers

The government can stop mining in Organizations and Networks

On 27 July the Executive reported the alleged impossibility of stopping Crucitas mining project, arguing that the Constitutional Court has given valid and arguing that the country exposed to a million-dollar lawsuit the company Industrias Infinito.

Given this, social and environmental organizations, research institutes, experts from major universities, leaders of various political parties and representatives of communities affected by mining activities, told the public that:

1. The concession granted by the government of Oscar Arias to Industrias Infinito, by order No. 217-2008-MINAE of April 21, 2008, is absolutely void, because the mining moratorium decreed by Abel Pacheco administration remained in effect until June 4, 2008, ie almost a month given after the award.

2. The mining company can not claim to be based on a vested absolutely void and illegal act of the previous administration. All investments made by the company have been at their own risk as to date has never been a firm resolution to authorize it to begin operations.

2. Therefore, the Costa Rican government would not have to indemnify the company mining with 1,700 million dollars as they claimed the presidential palace in the media.

4. In the worst case scenario, the amount of any compensation would have to be established by the courts and tribunals concerned. But never rashly fixed by the Executive whose first duty is to protect national interests.

5. Vice Piva has acknowledged that the mining project will entail serious environmental impacts Crucitas for our country, and Mrs. Laura Chinchilla said that his government will not promote open-pit metal mining. Therefore there is no legal reason, or techniques, or political expediency to maintain the decree declaring the project of "public interest and national convenience" issued by the previous government and supported the concession.

6. President Laura Chinchilla to repeal that decree and to nullify the concession granted by the mining company, as requested by the local government of San Carlos, the highest body representing the local interests of the canton, and with this, real alternatives to communities in the Northern Zone, in line with the sustainable development model that proclaims our country.

7. The government of Mrs. Laura Chinchilla must be consistent with its policy of not promoting more projects of open-pit metal mining, and act putting national interests above the economic interests of a Canadian owned company, dedicated to an activity that in recent polls, is rejected by 90% of the population.

We the undersigned, maintain that this project is not feasible or ecologically, socially, and economically for the country, which entails the destruction of fragile tropical ecosystems that need restoration and conservation. The country will only receive a 3% of the nation's gold in payment for the company for this award.

500 years later continue exchanging gold for mirrors and glass beads

Costa Rica says no to open-pit metal mining


Environmental Association of North San Rafael de Heredia

Environmental Protection Association Watershed of
Siquirres Canton Association of Friends of Pacuare

Central Association for the Economy, Health and Environment

Rivers Conservation Association and the Residential Environment Plums

Association of Communities for Sustainable Development Canton Santa Cruz

Indian Development Association Bribri

Social Ecology Association

National Association of Public and Private Employees Association

Life Preservation Association and Wildlife

Central Regional Association for Water and Environment
Our Voices

Association Training Center

Development Center Environmental Law and Natural Resources Committee Patriotic Zarcero

Ecological Communities
La Ceiba Country
Digital Journal

Costa Rican Federation for Environmental Conservation Foundation

Neotropica Foundation


Juanito Mora FPM

Preserve Planet Sea Turtle Restoration Program Projects

Alternative American Red Water Action

Biodiversity Coordination Network

Farm Workers and Youth

Plantation Progressive and Popular Participation


Carmen Carmen Fernandez Granados Muñoz Claudio Quesada Monge

Pereira Arias Navarro Gustavo Ruiz Delgado Jeannette

Corrales Jorge Gamboa José María Flores-Estrada Villalta Juan Carlos Mendoza

Manrique García Guzmán Oviedo
Maria Eugenia Venegas Renauld


Víctor Hernández Yolanda Acuña Castro


José Merino del Río Vargas

Maureen Ballestero

Aldermen City of San Carlos Edgardo Vinicio


Eli Araya Salas Herrera Roque

Other personalities:

Abel Pacheco de la Espriella. Former President of the Republic

Carlos Manuel Rodríguez. Former environment minister Otton Solis Fallas

. Former Minister of Planning. Former Congressman Rolando Araya Monge

. Former Public Works and Transport. Ex Member. Rodrigo Alberto Carazo

Zeledon. Exdenfensor of the inhabitants. Ex Member.

Gatgens Allan Astorga. Former Secretary National Environmental Technical Secretariat. Yamileth

SETENA Espeleta Astorga. UCR ProGAI
Director Luis Bernardo Villalobos Solano
. Research Program Health Policy. UCR

Alberto Cortés Ramos. UCR University Council member Jorge Lobo Segura

. University of Costa Rica

Anais Villalobos Kong. Environmental Economist

Diniosio Antillón Cabal.

singer Ana Cristina Rossi.

writer Arabella Salaverry Pardo.

writer Jorge Araya Westover

Mariano Figueres Olsen

Fabio Chacón Araya Hernández Delgado Ligia Umaña

Ledezma Carmen Jiménez Contreras Andrea Aguilar Umaña

Santos Valdes Coronado

Monday, July 26, 2010

Church Anniversary Quote


write about this subject can be a bit more complicated in a polarized country like ours. My vision of the country for many could be influenced by me or my political position links with the UNT game. But beyond my personal view or my interests, build a national vision requires taking as reference the diversity of ideas and opinions together to forge a shared vision of Venezuela which we all aspire, more as an individual and collective. A community which is very wide indeed, which are limited political trends that are radically opposed but strangely taken together models, attitudes and goals that at some point may converge.

In my previous post "The Unity We Need" raised the need to work on the basis of a common goal, capable of imposing on our differences, especially political, and it would be imperative to first of all determine what or what are those targets that could work collectively. From there came the idea of \u200b\u200busing social networking as a means to capture the concerns and views of a very diverse group, that of my followers on twitter and my facebook contacts and work together on the basis of a common premise: The Venezuela Venezuela we want and we dream.

is curious, as a simple question can generate so much interest in some, while for others, the mere idea of \u200b\u200bsharing his vision of the country with people of different political tendencies may turn out to be "sterile" (@ honestly think it would be a sterile discussion) . answers how are you reaffirm my theory that the polarization is the greatest obstacle to building a true nation and therefore a better country when a political movement takes precedence over something as simple as raising your vision of the country, it is clear that not prepared to work in terms of objectives over your environment and your interests.

is also for those who for one reason or another 140 characters are the best excuse to sidestep the issue. While for others it is technically impossible to sum up all their ideas in a small space (@ fortunately, does not fit in 140 characters!) or not even reach them multiplying tweets (@ I think that 140 characters multiplied by 800 will not reach me) . I confess that it is not easy to describe our aspirations in a small space, especially when it comes to something as simple and as complex at the same time, as the idea is to raise a country and whether it is people who make writing their passion . it even more complex.

Some used their 140 characters to outline his response from his political position, either pro-government (@ 140 characters enough to tell me the Venezuela that we would have to not be sick for Media q the population.) or failing as opposed to 11 years (@ EN140 characters is difficult very difficult to describe but I am sure I want to be better q q q have the last 11 years) is obviously not easy discard of political affiliations that define the country craves. Hence, some just outlined his idea around the figure of a man, as a starting point to build their ideal country, Chavez purpose, target Chavez, Chavez as a reason. (@ No Chávez - Chávez @ Sin ...... that's a summary - @ Sin Chávez.lo else comes to boot! - @ Sin Bolivarian Rep without Chávez, respectively - @ A SIN CHAVEZ Venezuela - Chávez and lackeys Sin @ - @ A Vzla without corruption, without Chavez and democracy) respectable position but if you want also extremely simplistic view of the need to establish parameters that allow us to build an idea coherent ideal that country.

Other tweets reflected in his most heartfelt criticism of the government, emphasizing those aspects that keep us from being the country we aspire to, security, justice and freedom, a common desire for many of us have been denied in the past 11 years turn reflecting the increased demand of Venezuelans that oppose the government and the project of President Chávez, less clear are the reasons underlying its position. For some it is all about a judicial system capable of responding effectively to the principles that inspire (@ dream of a Venezuela where those who govern us to respect the Constitution. Where do justice to its name.) and making respect for the system mostly legal premise upon which ensures the rule of law, security and freedom of a country (@ A country with a judicial system and Moral Dignity! to have these things sure are going to be adding other important things do not mention, but among them is the Security! Freedom! Since there is no freedom when you go out and you can be a victim of crime, and the state is obliged to brindartela and it does not, or poorly! All for being aware of a common vision and to pursue and run over their opponents! Greetings!) certainly governance of President Chavez has been marked by the need to constantly re-legitimize through elections, which have become an annual practice of compulsory agenda, because of which the political confrontation has fact as well as daily struggle to impose the absolute power of the state through the subrogation of all powers (@ with autonomous powers but in fact for now (famous phrase) I'll settle for a Venezuela without Chavez) . There were also those who were a little further in their criticism and more than criticize Chavez as a figure, criticized what it represents for the country (@ Not having a president or military governments, authoritarian, Communist Neo let alone as we have They are now failed model, the only thing prefesan and manifest in his speeches is the envy, hatred and resentment. A Delay!) . There were those who attacked the effects and consequences of these regimes themselves (@ a far cry from what we have now, tyranny, impoverishment, impunity, exclusion) and that Venezuela has become usual practice of government (@ more serious is the way the government freedom ended in different areas: media, opposition, industry, etc.) legal certainty affecting a sector of the population that feels that there are no legal guarantees that would ensure its stability, (@ where you get it by effort, not a dictator comes to dispose of it, where you can walk the streets safe.) that regard, I think a man or a government strong enough to impose on a country if this government has remained even though those who do not support, is because as a people, whether by act or omission we allowed. Each government chooses the type of regime that wishes to establish for their purposes and the means to achieve it, but it is the sovereign who approve their origin. In Venezuela in every election, whatever its outcome reflects the will of a people, we like it or did not define our daily lives and therefore our immediate destination. The effects of this government, positive or negative, are evident, although some seek to hide, others magnify or simply want to ignore the rest. That the means used to achieve its purpose are not the most optimal or are harmful, because it is part of its strategy, which we have not been able to remove permanently. This government has found in the comparison its best means of strengthening its power and the suppression powers the ideal way to legitimize it, this is the view of many Venezuelans, vision I share, but not all do (@ without so much hatred and absolute power in a gov. as we have q 11 years which comes with total destructive touch.)

On the other side some people seem to be very clear what kind of country they want, (@ A Socialist Venezuela.). probably can go unnoticed this comment coming from a person directly linked to the process, however very striking that their conduct and work go hand in hand with this idea of \u200b\u200bcountry, respectable and dignified position as one of the reasons why our country immersed in this deep crisis of values, among other things, the lack of real commitment and harmony between what we do and we preach, warning that socialism can not be labeled as a form of government geared to failure or delay, for what which has made socialism a viable form of government for one country or inconvenience to others is the way in which it is assumed, the objectives and the will of those who are called to build, is decirn that any form of progress that reflects events intended to provide better services and ensure true social justice and freedom for its citizens, always stand as an option for the consolidation of a decent home, which is either the road or the ideology that preaches and who acted on the ideology that preaches is worthy of becoming a proponent of it.

Many of the supporters of the Government are fully confident tread the right path towards the country they wish (@ The Vzla I want and dream is what will fly in right now are Vzlana q all have their basic needs on hand) even more unlike his detractors are those who find in the figure of President Chávez motor shaft guiding this revolution and the cornerstone for the consolidation of its socialist project (@ as we are building with our key leader ChavezCandanga_ - @ El Pais q q we want is the building of the hand and guide CMDT d our socialist homeland or death we are winning) . Of course no one who missed the 4th of blaming all our misfortunes, even to justify themselves in these 11 years of revolution and who spared no resort to insults typical of those unable to find another way to support their positions (@ THANKS TO PRESIDENT CHAVEZ IS A COUNTRY THAT WE SURGIENDO.YA Q LEAVING YOUR 4TH REPUBLIC POVERTY IN BANKRUPTCY AND MORE THANKS TO CHAVEZ THIS COUNTRY IS OUT OF MISERY WHERE THE LEFT. WITH SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROGRAMMES. A MISSING. CLEAR THAT YES, BUT ALSO HAS BEEN ENOUGH. LEAVE THIS Q THE 4TH NO ARRANGEMENTS 11. HAD MORE THAN 40 YEARS DESTROYING ME AND NOT SAY THAT IS GOING TO LIE. IF YOU BY Favory'll stop talking STRAW AND WILL WORK OUT BEST FOR THE COUNTRY. BUT WHAT ARE SOME old gossip) Fatty error of some owners believe the truth and even worse to pretend that they alone do something for the country. Unfortunately there are many who think this way and belittle anyone who dares to think differently or oppose the revolutionary project.
And finally, I quote the tweet especially given that it takes a bit of each of the elements that characterize, at least in theory, the socialist project of President Chávez and turn, I think, reflects the feelings of many of their followers (@ If you Vzlana. You know q Vzla 1 sovereign, democratic and revolutionary socialist achievements to benefit the people. strange me your question! Venezuela is not that I want and sleep. It is the q Vzla we proudly led by Hugo Chavez.Es say your country is revolutionary socialist Chavez. Thanks to chavez live in full democracy with freedom q plena.Tienes a government guarantees the rights of the people. Ensures the health, education, food, equality, Chavez justicia.gracias the people we are a participatory and protagonist of the revolution path to socialism. So q're wrong with your question. Venezuela already have a potential in all areas with the ideology for discussion) . As the author of this tweet, many are fully confident of having achieved or see crystallized the basic objectives of the Revolution. On this point let me add that real socialism can not be sustained on the basis of a divided country and exclusive. I also consider it prudent to warn of concern came from my firm belief that a country never reaches the limit of its growth and progress, as this is a constant on which not all is said and not everything is done.

This is only a summary of all the tweets I received in response to a question about Venezuela that want and dream, in this first part only focused vision of those who start from a political bias, either ruling or opposition, to define the Venezuela they crave.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In the tweets selected for this post and the following were omitted the names of users and cited verbatim as they were received. However, later all tweets will be published with their authors. Sent from my BlackBerry

Friday, July 23, 2010

Urethral Opening In Hindi

Crucitas Environmental request an audience with the government to discuss Crucitas

They ask
  • appointment for another week
  • Ensure having outputs to avoid and / or face arbitration.

Today, Friday 23 July, the Executive reported to be up next week when deciding officially on Crucitas mining project, after you pass the Constitutional Court the last word.

For this reason, a representative group of environmental organizations and networks engaged in the campaign and legal proceedings against the open-pit metal mining in Costa Rica, asked the Vice President Alfio Piva, a hearing.

This request would intended to explain arguments, reasons and alternatives to the threat of a possible international demand, if the government decides to cancel the mining concession and to repeal the decree of "public interest and national convenience" for the mining project, issued by the Oscar Arias government.

"We call the Costa Rican people to support us on the government to grant us this appointment" said Edgardo Araya, an environmental lawyer from UNOVA "though the struggle by legal means we will not neglect to ensure that the project will buried forever, "he said.

"We welcome the opening of the government to revisit the subject, previous government did not even that opportunity, we hope that Mrs. Laura will make a decision putting national interests and environmental interests over mining company, "said Heidy Murillo, vice president of the FECON and signer of the letter.

For his part, attorney Jorge Mora Portuguez, network FANCA, clarified that "an eventual ruling in favor of mining does not in any way the administrative proceedings that have arisen and which are presented as well as other legal actions to be launched in the coming days to other courts. "

"We are confident that Chamorro's government Laura, will listen to the public, universities, organizations and specialized agencies, local governments of San José, San Carlos, and more than thirteen municipalities that have repeatedly spoken out against mining open in Costa Rica. "Mora said Portuguez.

addition to preventing the Crucitas mining project starts, the environmentalists said the urgency to maintain and strengthen the moratorium declared by Mrs. Laura Chinchilla and approve an amendment to the mining code, which prohibits the such activities permanently.

The note is signed by various networks and organizations that have historically rejected the activity mining and promoting a truly sustainable development model for Costa Rica: CEDARENA, APREFLOFAS, UNOVA, ARCA, FANCA, Neotropica Foundation, and the group ANDA Urgent Appeal for the country ".

For more information: Heidy Murillo

8872 4954 - Gino Biamonte FECON 8397-2839 - Edgardo Araya

APREFLOFAS 8704 9502 - UNOVA, Jorge Mora Portuguez 8874 6981 - FANCA

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Only Rash No Other Symptoms Hiv

Crucitas MEETING PUBLIC STATEMENT II, \u200b\u200b17 and 18 July

If you can sign it here

meeting again today in this community want to express Crucitas repeatedly and strongly our opposition to mining open pit gold you want to specify in this community.

We undertake to make any effort that involves the implementation of this project is not so bad for the country.

We are committed to the homeland and our future generations to leave a country free of mines, free from the greed of unbridled, free of filibuster both sold to the highest bidder.

With great enthusiasm and joy we have moved to this community, foot, vehicle or otherwise, to make clear once again our commitment with the people of Costa Rica.

Crucitas This second meeting will serve injection, to continue energetic and patriotic citizenship, leading to our communities, neighborhoods and wherever we are the message of unity to fight. Fight for our dignity, to regain decorum, decency and patriotism that is sorely lacking in public administration for many years. We tell

selfish employers who see only the sign projects colones or dollars, that we will not take a backward step in the recovery of our cultural values \u200b\u200bof our land, our forests and especially our national sovereignty.

reiterate our request, with walkers next to the Municipal Council of San Carlos and the other local governments and organizations who have spoken and we come together in the Second Crucitas, Madame President, Laura Chinchilla republic the immediate repeal of Executive Order N.34801-MINAET of October 17, 2008, which states Public Interest and the National Convenience Crucitas mining project and the 2594 award, given to industries Indus Infinity by resolution 127 of April 21, 2008.

We urge the Legislature to process quickly to reform the mining code, which prohibits metal mining in our country, as incompatible with the environment. Finally we let

firm and irrevocable proof that will not stop until ever that our country is free of so much greed, so much selfishness. So we are committed to fight to the bitter end if necessary, to ban gold mining to open pit in our country.




backed by 118 signatures dieferentes organizations and communities across the country.

Photo courtesy of Ark

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bam Margera Tattoos 2010

Via-Crucitas and II National Meeting on Crucitas

Last Saturday we were together various historical organizations in the fight against mining among which the Northern Front of opposition to mining, UNOVA, AESO and FECON, plus new comrades from organizations the area as Chazon, Nectandra and patriotic committees which we are joined in the organization.

was determined, inter alia, to the Second National Meeting in Crucitas on 17 July, predecedido by a convoy from the capital to support our City Council is being hard pressed by the mining and strong economic interests of the county, by responsible and courageous position to the president asking for the repeal of the decree of public interest and national convenience Crucitas mining project.

So much so that we are inviting you to join this activity is designed for many community groups, youth groups and individuals to participate in some or all the way easily.

The dynamics are as follows: 1.The

Wednesday, July 14 made a day of flyering and pasting calcamanías in their communities at 6 pm, for this we are coordinating the production of tool boxes that have:
a) 200 fly, 1 DVD with documentaries and 200 decals - ¢ 5000
b) 600 fly, 1 DVD with documentaries and 200 decals - ¢ 10 000
c) can "enlarge your combo:)" to 1000 per 100 ¢ ¢ flyers and 1800 by 100 decals (these prices are for quantity the press but we are doing one little bench). This would confirm good later on 5 July to prepare packages and distruibuirlos with time, must be added the cost of transport. 2.The

Thursday 15 July, leaving San Jose to Ciudad Quesada with the following suggested route (does not remove other initiatives complementary outputs) and people can add in a relay or all the way, the idea is that your community go at least 10 cars to join:

a) 8 am - San Jose - Heredia
b) 9:30 am - Heredia - Alajuela
c) 10:30 am - Alajuela - Greece
d) 11:30 am - Greece - Sarchi (Lunch funded participants) and
) 1:30 pm Sarchi - Naranjo
f) 3 pm Naranjo - Zarcero
g) 5 pm Zarcero - Ciudad Quesada
h) In Ciudad Quesada we have a meeting with many people in support and the aldermen, with cultural activities.

to stay in Ciudad Quesada, we are coordinating various places, however, it is advisable that each person bring a tent, which will deal anyway Crucitas camping. 3.The

Friday 16 July, out of Ciudad Quesada to Crucitas with the following suggested route (does not remove other initiatives complementary outputs) and people can add in a relay or all the way, the idea is that of community out at least 10 cars to join:
a) 8 am - Sale caravan led by the Council Mucipal-CQ-Florence
b) 9:30 am - Florence - Platanar
c) 10:30 am - Platanar - Spring
d) 11:30 am - Dock - Boca de Arenal
e) 12:30 pm Boca de Arenal - Santa Rosa - (Lunch funded participants)
f) 2:30 pm Santa Rosa - Coopevega
g) 4 pm Coopevega - Moravia
h) Installation camp in Moravia to what is needed above equipment, accommodation, dinner and breakfast we are coordinating, but we need confirmation. 4.The

Saturday 17 July to Crucitas Moravia leaves at 8 am which will host the Second National Meeting on Crucitas, from 10 am to 3 pm, at which time we will return.

  • We are coordinating a bus to bring people who have no vehicle, for which, for obvious reasons space is limited.
  • are looking lunches for reasonable prices for the participants.
  • Neither is necessarily binding activities earlier or later, or if a community can not do Wednesday but participate in the caravan can be, just the opposite if they can only do it on Wednesday and not go to the caravan also, most importantly we mobilize to drive Infinite Crucitas.
We can live without gold but not without water