Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gay Grand Canyon Cruze

2. LA VENEZUELA your dream ... we all dream!

The previous post visions of 2 showed opposite trends between the two was not clearly possible to build a joint national vision, common to all. However, each from his position made their contributions, outlined an idea, not very precise, but valid, as delineated on the Venezuela they wanted and dreamed.

In this new entry, if you will, I advance a little more in the construction of this idea ... from here, you may notice that begin to have a broader perspective about the country we want, maybe some polarized shades but in essence, each is avoca to show their idea directly oriented toward the country he wants, but most of the Venezuela that dream. Already at this stage we have overcome the obstacle of 140 characters and leave a little aside the issue of polarization, for avocados just to take the first steps in building our dream country.

Fortunately, for the remaining 140 characters or more were enough to share his vision of the country, to express how Venezuela is that they want and dream, without conditions, without cortapizas, uncensored just a few words to express their ideas, which enclose desires and demands in summarizing the basic needs of the Venezuelan group as a whole and beyond its own political orientation, (@ The Vzla to sleep, no I fit in 140 characters. But above all, I want free, legal and personal security.) , Freedom and Security, two words that begin here from repeated over and over again as a reflection of a collective need a society in some way or another feels threatened both his life and interests.

So there are those who called upon the patriotic commitment that requires us putting our country over any other interest (@ A little hard to put into 140, for all q I, but it is a proper and accurate summary Venezuela want is the one where everyone feels first to his homeland and its people. Assume responsibility commitments country. For details, would have to write at length) indeed if anything is to be rescued in this country is the true sense of patriotism, that which goes beyond words, which is not a mere political slogan, but he feels and manifests itself in every act, every action, every step we take and every project we undertake. Not enough to say we're the best, you have to feel, needs to be addressed and above all things must defend (@ @ Trapiello differ from the 140 characters and asked me also tell you "Venezuela is destined to be a power") . Be 1 power, more than a dream should be our compass, be a power in every way, but above all be a power held in a large corporation, a partnership first with first-class citizens. A society we are all part and we can all feel a part, but this can not be an isolated, should be a joint effort (@ building it collectively ...) , allowing us between everyone and everyone's efforts to achieve our goal (@ with all pointing to the same Obj Venezuelans, many education and support to private enterprise, sports and the arts.) A common goal can be constructed even on our differences and guide us in our move daily (@ All Venezuelans united by a common goal; A Prosperous Venezuela. .. regardless of political preferences) A society can be imposed on political differences and where all we are clear that the objective is common to all. a Venezuela that is built every day and which we ourselves who we outlined our destiny (@ No I have 140 characters to describe, but trust me I work every day to achieve it.) Venezuela is constructed so that we want.

Some seem to have lost faith (@ and or) , we can not blame them because sometimes we see the struggle for day to day so uphill that country that everyone dreams feels increasingly distant and impossible. Pensao perhaps because it is a dream alone, became convinced that it is utopia or worse can come to consider "cheesy" (q @ as answer without sounding corny or pamphlet? Capitalist do not want it! I do not want sick d consumption! Something human + the dream) or politiqueron taken from a slogan which is a mistake, for a dream overvoltage country and more humane country reflects the nobility of our soul and is the kind of dreams that is worth fighting, our dreams can not aspirational nonsense, on the contrary should be the first sure step toward what many consider unattainable but in our hearts should be lifted as the great challenge of our life, that purpose that guides and directs every step we take and that somehow gives you reason to us as citizens. Therefore I disagree with those who believe it is necessary to dream of Venezuela who want to build (@ Venezuela does not need dreams, needs and proposed actions to resolve serious problems of Venezuelans) , For the Venezuela that we must first dream it, draw it, paint it on the horizon and define clearly the path that will allow us to make that dream a reality, the grandeur of our dreams is not on the magnitude of what we dream but on the strength and courage that we put to make it happen. Our ability to dream should be proportional to our ability to turn those dreams into a tangible reality to the senses, is a matter of Dream-Want-To, (@ Dream not, I want a Venezuela where we can walk freely without fear, i where we all live in freedom. I want a sovereign Vzla.) be convinced that we have the necessary tools to build our destiny as a society and country (@ TNEMOS BECAUSE THAT I WANT A FIRST WORLD COUNTRY D EXCLUSION ZERO, ZERO IMPUNITY zero corruption, FULL EMPLOYMENT & PUBLIC SERVICE) not that we have to do ... I would say that we plenty to do, we just lack the will and genuine commitment to our homeland, a collective commitment, a commitment. Certainly Venezuelans share a dream of country (q @ I q is the same dream all! As you dream q! Truth, free independent, q there is true justice!) , a collective dream of a common goal (@ Similar to your Venezuela, is a collective dream: freedom, justice, security and progress .. In peace and without poverty! ) , and indeed it should be everyone's dream, a dream to which all direct our efforts, but should be a country dream, a dream for Venezuela.

Beyond the road we take, it is essential that our dreams Venezuela includes us all without exception (@ No differences in the q Vzla dream! But if the path to achieve it: Chavez is not militarism! ! Many believe q is not a route the "restoration" to the past. You have a 3rd q means, right?) , this is not the first, second, third or fourth via, the case that all lead us toward the same goal.

Why a country like ours dreams of being free, being an inherent right of freedom to our own human nature and guaranteed by our Constitution? Freedom can not be conceived as an excuse to fight against that which we do not share, nor can it be limited for the convenience of those in power. Freedom must be accompanied by true sense for us to guarantee their scope and grandeur in terms of progress and stability of a country based on the full development and exercise of citizenship rights.

Some dream of a country specific issues to ensure progress social and citizenship development (@ the Venezuela that dream and I is whole, free and thriving ...;) unit as a nation that allows us to fight collectively for our goals in any field, from something as simple as football preferences (@ Dream a Vzla where "civil society" do not put flags of other countries on Venezuelan soil for a World Cup) and if we have really reached a point where we are able to support global teams above our burgundy or even worse, downplaying our national team and the role that these do represent the country at various sporting events worldwide. It's funny how despite being a country with a prominent and talented youth from all areas, sports, musical, cultural, scientific, etc, sometimes it seems that simply do not care, we like our musicians are highly acclaimed throughout the world and pay great amounts of money to enjoy their talent, while we here prefer to let the wage to an international artist, this shows how little importance we place on our own, to the homemade, the local talent in all its manifestations. We must learn to appreciate the greatness that comes from our land, give our support, unconditional support and trust we give to our brother, our family, that ours is our pride ... and why no, go back to that slogan or tagline that "our way is better".

to ACA has been an arduous task to compile all comments and contributions from fans. For those who wonder why the authors omit is simply because beyond my particular way of spinning each comment, in essence, reflects the feel, the longing, the aspiration of many beyond their political dream of a better country for everyone.


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