Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Watching Films Usb From Sony Dvd

WHAT IS NOT SAID IN THE interpellation of Minister El Aissami (III)

Well continue with the questioning of Minister El Assami ...
on prison all was in rhetoric .. Neither Minister reported back on the prison situation or Deputies approached the prison issue accurately. Rep. Ojeda pointed the critical situation of the prison system in our country, where infrastructure was built prison to house a approximately 17mil inmates, while today occupy about 44mil or so. In fact the situation is dramatic, not only by virtue of overcrowding, but also the unsanitary conditions that have always reign. Another MP said that 60 % of prison population is processed as is, that for sure has not been defined even guilty. Deputy intervention was successful to some extent, for the final considerations, the Symphony Orchestra to brand Prison "cartoons" shrugged off the speech not only serious but also made it clear to me, to lose perspective in the context of a criticism might be counterproductive. The minister for his part noted that in the 4th prisons were considered "poor depots rabble" , in particular, believe that neither it came. However, we recall that reality today, certainly maintains the same sub-human status, state have taken the prisoners and to those who seem not only immune, but also allowed them to convert prisons Operations Center and even some usually become a holiday camp. The situation of armed violence and the level they have reached in prisons creates alarming figures remain at risk the lives of inmates. Beyond the levels of violence, had to ask the Minister Tarek ¿How arming the detainees in our prisons? Who is responsible for the entry of weapons into the prisons? , would have also asked "How is justified that the inmates are better armed than themselves custodians of prisons? But in this situation, the question would be What steps has your office taken by the Prison Authority to disarm the country's prisons?. Another fact, closely linked to the lawlessness that reigns in the nation's prisons is that they now operate as the headquarters of large vehicle theft syndicates and Collection of vaccines, abductions, killings, etc. In response, the question may a little more direct, Why so far not been implemented mobile signal blocker in prison facilities? .

the minister said his office intended to humanize the prison space, I remember it was that one of their banners on taking office. But I think this process requires more than humane intentions, will require politics, but above all a true articulation of the sectors that directly or indirectly involved in this process, understood, security forces, judiciary, administrative staff, etc. For the humanization process is conducted in a proper way effective and necessary to all sincere people the status of private freedom, because no policy can advance without knowing what the real situation of each prisoner, why they are there, how long, if they are repeat offenders, in order a number of aspects that address each case and guide action towards an effective scheme re-education and rehabilitation. On this particular should be asked the Minister How reintegration process forward if they know the key aspects surrounding each individual deprived of liberty? worse, it is clear that when it comes to more than 60% of the prison population has not been tried or are being processed, it is possible that we are responding to cases of inmates who have served more prison time than it would fall under the Act for the alleged crime. So it is very likely that the adjustment of the prison population, contribute, perhaps in very small scale, to reduce the prison population, in addition to a redistribution that allow the reclassification of the prison population meets the required standards effective role in making policies more humane.

But beyond the individual case approach, it is clear that the prison infrastructure is not consonant with the current population there arises another question required for citizens of the Interior and Justice Minister Why in 12 years have built more prisons in the country to meet the needs of the growing prison population?

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