TRUE DEMOCRACY IS NOT WHAT YOU SAID IN THE interpellation of Minister El Aissami (IV)
During the session you will be sent to each Member of a gift, among other things, on the part of women deprived of freedom, actions like These certainly show us a face of prison life that few get to know, you may need the Minister and even those who support this process, focusing their efforts to show their strengths instead of dealing both with the mistakes sterile comparisons the past.
At this point impossible to avoid the speech by Mr William Ojeda as the involvement of Prison Symphony Orchestra which he described as "cartoons", ie that knowing the history of William Ojeda, not the people who tend to demerit the efforts made on behalf of the most vulnerable, so I infer that that term should have been obvious or otherwise treated, it certainly hits like Symphony Orchestra minimal results at the stark reality of our prison system, as is also minimal percentage of the population benefits. However, you can not demerit the wisdom, that at least that seems to have great significance for the stock, while a stimulus for that every day in and out of prisons The prison population is seen as human beings, even beyond the reasons for their detention. Perhaps the Congressman in his impotence with the way the issue has been addressed prison, did not notice that his remarks beyond the attention of the Minister were received as an affront to this group of women that night just showed that the path of humanization if feasible even in a prison system so inhuman as ours. dismiss that success was not way, it was necessary to recognize, but most of rebuke to the Minister to explain Why advanced humanization policy are so slow and so limited effects in reference to the prison population?. Another aspect that seemed to be out of the debate and the Minister Tarek skillfully played as the last letter of the day was the presentation of the draft code of Prisons for consideration by the National Assembly, noting that he was now in the hands of the legislative body approval of the legal instrument that frames the prison rules concerning humanistic perspective. Strangely, no one asked in the Chamber on the fate of the Code of Corrections that was shelved since 2005 and was supposed to be the panacea that would solve the prison crisis.
Anyway I think on this subject should place more emphasis since the "anarchy" that prevails in our prisons is not limited to intramural status but today is a real threat to the already very delicate and growing insecurity that in the country.
Beyond this, in the context of the questioning there was not much space for the proposal, it was necessary to show the country with figures and facts the real situation of our System Prison, squandered an important opportunity to encourage joint efforts of all political, social and government undoubtedly would address this problem effectively, among all the benefit of all.
Beyond the prison situation and an important point that was raised in the House by Rep. Alfredo Osorio Zulia, is referred to impunity. Topic that undoubtedly required to be addressed in greater depth, but given the limitations of time alone is limited to the performance of the judiciary. And actually, no Security Policy later this Government may not achieve its ultimate goal effective participation of the judiciary. The issue of safety goes beyond the numbers, statistics. Certainly, for "government, one death is too" for a mother, son killed by the mob is everything for a family with a father who died in the hands of the underworld is everything ... and for those who have lost However, the least we can hope for is justice.
Unfortunately, our judiciary has shown inability, inefficiency and lack of political will to effectively address its responsibility under public safety.'s Useless to have a forensic effective if the judiciary is not able to ensure that perpetrators of crime who are caught are prosecuted and convicted under the Act and if not, ask the Minister of 150mil lives that has become the crime in our country, How many of its leaders are now paying conviction? , the Minister must handle official figures of how many violators of the law by the CICPC captured in 2010 and brought to the court order have been properly prosecuted and convicted? , as the responsibility of his office goes beyond the capture, prosecution being the essential link between law enforcement and penal action are responsible.
Unfortunately today, the judiciary is largely responsible for the impunity at all levels and spaces, this is one of the main factors leading to crime, that is a fact that the Minister would say, is like the sun ... you can not hide. In this regard, I ask the Minister, if you make the call to the governors and mayors, the opposition, to integrate and cooperate in the implementation of security plans developed by his office Why so far not made a strong call to the judiciary to assume effectively and efficiently its responsibility for the security framework in order to reduce levels of impunity that prevent concrete progress in this area? Surely the Minister would come his way, arguing that there is "autonomy of powers" etc, etc, etc ... but I am sure that many are aware that the joint safety and face a reality like ours should be from each and every one of the areas. Already
end, just to recognize the achievements within the framework of security policies advanced by the MPPIJ, as is referring to the unification of criteria in law enforcement as well as about human orientation and preventive want given to this Policy. However, I would tell the Minister that the intention and commitment toward problems like insecurity, are just the first step to address it, as it requires political will to achieve its aims, it is necessary to fulfill that commitment through concrete actions and effective results begin to be tangible. Many know and understand that the solution to this structural problem can not be short term and equally we are aware of their progress, but the ordinary citizen, who already feel afraid to go to street, the mother not to sleep until their children arrive, those who every weekend are in a morgue looking for a loved one .. these need answering, but especially need the assurance that their government is doing something ... When people were not accountable to a question, or with numbers or statistics .. the people are paying with facts, the effect of their policy will change the tangible when "Sense of Insecurity" by the "Safety Assurance" , when the Venezuelan feel even beyond what a government is inevitable, authorities are willing to do justice.
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