Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Can You Put Prep H On Your Dog's Butt
Agreem unanimously approved Municipal rdo
Municipality of Alvarado
Regular Session
no.003 May 17, 2010
whereas :
1-Article 50 of the Constitution that dictates " ... Everyone has the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment. Is therefore entitled to denounce any acts that violate that right and claim redress for the damage caused ... "
2 - Executive Decree of the President of the Republic Laura Chinchilla Miranda on May 8 this year that states: "national moratorium is declared by indefinite term for the activity metal mining gold in the country. Understood as the exploration, exploitation and processing of materials extracted using cyanide or mercury "
3 - That the City of Alvarado has been characterized by its environmental vision and implementation of measures to protect the environment, human rights and sustainable development, coinciding with the Convention on Biological Diversity.
4 - What Costa Rica has declared a State that seeks the common welfare through sustainable development in full communion with the protection resources natural and non-extraction of the same, and that under this view since 1955 with the creation of national parks intended by the environmental protection legislation.
5 - Q ue Costa Rica since 1975 is integrated into the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES).
6 - That both the Almond Yellow and Green Macaw species affected by mining in Crucitas, are within the CITES lists
7 - Principle 4 of the Stockholm Declaration states: "... developing countries must direct their efforts towards development, bearing in mind their priorities and the need to safeguard and improve the environment "
8 - The Principle 1 of the Rio Declaration reads: "... human beings ... are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature ..." also Principle 4 stresses that : "... In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process and can not be considered in isolation ... "
9 - The Johannesburg Declaration promulgated in principle 4: " ... We are determined to ensure that our rich diversity, our collective strength, to be used for constructive partnership for change and for achieving the common goal of sustainable development ... "
10 - Both the Rio Declaration , Stockholm, and Johannesburg were ratified by the Legislature as international treaties signed by Costa Rica.
11 - Article 7 of the Constitution stated that: "... The public treaties, international conventions and pacts, duly approved by the Legislature, have since their enactment or from the day they designate a higher authority than the laws ... "
12 - That to be considered a transboundary project for possible impacts on water bodies such as the San Juan River, should be possible joint action with the government of Nicaragua, to assess such impacts, as required by Article 90 of Regulation on Environmental Impact Studies (2004). The absence of this requirement would leave us exposed to potential claims by Nicaragua for environmental damage.
13. The change in the project, processed in record time between 2007 and 2008, which doubled in volume of extraction requires a new environmental impact study, it represents a significant change to the original project. This is further processed while the moratorium mining president Abel Pacheco.
14 - The ob solescencia of our mining legislation and consideration of environmental impacts.
15 - Poor monitoring and enforcement capacity, as evidenced not only in the case of the Bellavista Mine in Miramar (risks warned by academics and environmental movement), but also recognized by the same executive decree grant (217-2008-MINAET) which reads:
"Industrias Infinito SA, assist the Government of Costa Rica, in training civil servants in the departments they should exercise control of such business, technical and technological aspects, in order that these officials have suitable criteria for the implementation of the control activity. "
16 - area where the project is located is of high environmental fragility and a high rate of rainfall, which incorporates additional risks even with the use of technology.
agree :
1. To request the Government Republic of the repeal of Decree 34801-MINAET declaring the public interest and national convenience Crucitas mining project. Also, ask the government of Costa Rica and its institutions, to nullify all the permissions granted to grantees Crucitas mining project for being null and void and reinstate the moratorium on mining.
2. Asking the Government of Costa Rica to be consistent with sustainable development model q ue as a nation we have been preaching for many years.
3. To call the Costa Rican society for environmental protection and construction Costa Rica a fair, equitable and sustainable.
4. Ask the Legislature Quick Step reform the Mining Code to prohibit permanently open pit metal mining in our country.
5. Support legal and political processes of citizens and social organizations designed to halt the execution of this project rejected by almost 90% of Costa Rican citizens.
6. Local Government to deliver our educational activities and information on the subject, for which will with the support of the Local Government Commission on the Environment and the Blue Flag Program.
7. Friends declare global movement for sustainability of the planet through the defense of nature.
8. Reiterate that our friendly Regulatory Plan is the ENVIRONMENT and defense.
9. Express our satisfaction with the statements of the President-elect, Mrs. Laura Chinchilla, contrary to the Surface Mining and support their decision to change our laws in the mining camp p o close the gates to these anti-ecological activities.
10. Disclosed by all means this agreement and call on all Local Governments to adhere lending its support to the Mother Earth.
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