Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hindi Shaadi Invitation Hindi Shaadi Card Matter?

sit in San Carlos City MIRAMAR

The miners are interwoven many designs ... This is a story that shows 15 years after mining interests on water in Miramar.
94-98 people were more naive in the muni and more targeted to the mine.
mining parallel intentions, were those who understood the matráfulas, but still, a Municipal Council and mayor (1998-2002) firmly planted against mining, they went and could open the mine ...

Sonia Torres

Environmental Committee Miramar

May 25, 2010

The arrival of the rains do not represent any relief to Miramar and co neighboring communities continue to suffer from water shortage, caused this time, by landslides that collapsed Molina source causing the pollution accumulated educt with mud and water shortages and rationing from Saturdays do at night, putting at risk human health .

view the crisis that has forced to interrupt the school year at the Lyceum and some schools in the community, Miramar Environment Committee requested the Commission to Local and National Emergency, to conduct a comprehensive geotechnical study to determine the exact vulnerability of pipelines and municipal water catchments. The Environment Committee also called for intervention by health authorities to safeguard the welfare and Dad quality of life of the people using the municipal water.

The current problem dates back to 1994 when City Council Montes de Oro approved a water supply project, simple, effective and cheaper than was to capture the emerging Cob to inject the municipal water system. However, a few days, employees of the mining company, including the geologist Michael Alan, questioned the project and "good faith" the City Council commissioned Mr Alan "coordination" of a pre-project culminating with a diversion of the pipe that leaves the source for the mining Cob occupy public areas, and recommendations tion to incorporate the emerging municipal system Molina to justify the disengagement posterity Montezuma or of the sources 1 and 2, as indeed it did when it began operating the mine open pit gold in Bellavista.

During that time, the mining company ingratiated himself with the City conducting studies free of charge, giving him an old car, donating tubes and 200 thousand colones in cash, which ended up convincing the municipal executive Sammy Cortes, engineer Arturo Herrera of the Institute of Municipal Promotion and Advice (IFAM) and to the aldermen at the time, ended by approving the loan application of 85 million IFAM, convinced of the "advantages" to capture the source Molina, rising to the miners painted with an image of abundance 19 liters per second when gauging the National Electricity Service (SNE) and community just gave 9 liters per second.

In the vicinity of the source Molina, the current city administration has not been able to halt the illegal exploitation of slab or exert control over road construction on private farms. Nor does it account for at least two recent drilling 2 ¼ inches on land made by the locals belong to the geologist Alan, whose purpose is unknown, but undoubtedly contributing alterations aquifer deterioration Molina caught in the emerging, which is superficial in nature flow direction north-northwest and is covered by a layer of highly permeable alluvium and colluvium.

For members of the C ommittee Environmental catchments of the Molina and Cob sources were not made with the right design in the case of broken parts, hard rocks weathered soils with high rainfall and geologically unstable, causing landslides as the cause of the current crisis in the spring Molina.

For its part, the city government continues to fail by not led themselves with MINAE and SENARA to delimit and demarcate the aquifer recharge areas of all the springs connected to the municipal aqueduct , threatening human health by risk of contamination with human and animal waste and chemicals.

few remaining hopes of capturing clean water in the upper basin of Rio Plums despite efforts of residents who through motions filed by former Councilman Claudio González (1996) l former Councilwoman Martha White (1998) sought to declare the basin as a water reservoir for human consumption. succumbed area by mining open pit gold and now instead d and produce water, is deforested, covered with scrap tanks filled with crumpled debris of rocks, flanked by lagoons mining dumps plastics and below, full of broken geomembranes covered with crushed rocks leached by cyanide.


While cl loves water, Mayor Alvaro Jiménez defender of mining, only managed to say to look for water in the neighboring basin Naranjo River, also in the sights of AyA.


1. Material muddy slipped from the top of vegetation cover, which protects the Molina. Photo May 25, 2010
2. In dry period, the crisis caused by lack of water. Note overflow tank dry Molina source output. Photo April 18, 2010
3. Slip affected source Molina and R615 route which links to Laguna Miramar in wet season 2009. Circle encloses the output tank; arrow uptake. Photo October 10, 2009
4. Mud and sand catchment areas flooded and destroyed understory, which protects the Molina. Photo May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Electro Cock Treatment

WITHOUT WATER San Jose, against Alvarado

initiative of the rulers of the rulers of the Citizens Action Party, the City Council of San Joseph uttered against Open Pit Mining and against Mining project Crucitas. The motion presented was approved unanimously in Session May 11, 2010 City Council San Jose.

Following is the text of the motion



1. Article 50 of the Constitution of Costa Rica guarantees the right to enjoy a healthy and ecologically balanced environment and the duty of citizens to enforce that law and public institutions to guarantee it.
2. The Municipality of San José supports environmental protection and human rights and the promotion of development compatible with environmental protection in both concur with the Convention on Biological Diversity.
3. Costa Rica has chosen a sustainable development based on environmental protection and not an extractor, that our country has not been a traditional mining country and that history has taught us that the few metal mine development, have not only benefited the country or the communities where they are located, if not instead, have left a sad picture of destruction, with ample evidence that an activity is not compatible with the environment.
4. The impacts of open pit metal mining have been studied carefully and there is a worldwide trend to reject such practices.
5. The area where the project is located is of high environmental fragility and a high rate of rainfall, which incorporates additional risks even with the use of technology.
6. The obsolescence of our mining legislation and environmental law brief.
7. To date, no instrument has been known to show a positive relationship between social and environmental costs and economic benefits of development that declare the project of public interest and national interest.
8. Climate change puts humanity in a dilemma between continuing to deepen its negative impacts and generating more conditions of vulnerability, or sustainability of the human species, which compels us to seek a balance between human activities and nature conservation .


1. To request the Government of the Republic of the repeal of Decree 34801-MINAET declaring public interest and national convenience Crucitas mining project . Also, ask the government of Costa Rica and its institutions, to nullify all the permissions granted to grantees Crucitas mining project .
2. Ask the government of Costa Rica to be consistent with the model of sustainable development as a nation we have been preaching for many years.
3. To call the Costa Rican society to defend the environment and the Costa Rica building a just, equitable and sustainable.
4. Ask the Legislature Quick Step reform the Mining Code to prohibit mining definitely open-pit metal in our country.
5. Local Government to deliver our educational activities and information on the subject, for which will be supported by the Municipal Administration, the Environmental Commission.
6. Express our satisfaction with the decree of the President-Mrs. Laura Chinchilla Miranda, contrary to the Surface Mining and support their decision to change our laws in the mining camp to close the gates to these anti-environmental activities.
7. Disclosed by all means this agreement and call on all Local Governments to adhere lending its support to the Mother Earth.

Can You Put Prep H On Your Dog's Butt

Crucitas Carthage against Hazards


Agreem unanimously approved Municipal rdo


Municipality of Alvarado

Regular Session

no.003 May 17, 2010

whereas :

1-Article 50 of the Constitution that dictates " ... Everyone has the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment. Is therefore entitled to denounce any acts that violate that right and claim redress for the damage caused ... "

2 - Executive Decree of the President of the Republic Laura Chinchilla Miranda on May 8 this year that states: "national moratorium is declared by indefinite term for the activity metal mining gold in the country. Understood as the exploration, exploitation and processing of materials extracted using cyanide or mercury "

3 - That the City of Alvarado has been characterized by its environmental vision and implementation of measures to protect the environment, human rights and sustainable development, coinciding with the Convention on Biological Diversity.

4 - What Costa Rica has declared a State that seeks the common welfare through sustainable development in full communion with the protection resources natural and non-extraction of the same, and that under this view since 1955 with the creation of national parks intended by the environmental protection legislation.

5 - Q ue Costa Rica since 1975 is integrated into the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES).

6 - That both the Almond Yellow and Green Macaw species affected by mining in Crucitas, are within the CITES lists

7 - Principle 4 of the Stockholm Declaration states: "... developing countries must direct their efforts towards development, bearing in mind their priorities and the need to safeguard and improve the environment "

8 - The Principle 1 of the Rio Declaration reads: "... human beings ... are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature ..." also Principle 4 stresses that : "... In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall constitute an integral part of the development process and can not be considered in isolation ... "

9 - The Johannesburg Declaration promulgated in principle 4: " ... We are determined to ensure that our rich diversity, our collective strength, to be used for constructive partnership for change and for achieving the common goal of sustainable development ... "

10 - Both the Rio Declaration , Stockholm, and Johannesburg were ratified by the Legislature as international treaties signed by Costa Rica.

11 - Article 7 of the Constitution stated that: "... The public treaties, international conventions and pacts, duly approved by the Legislature, have since their enactment or from the day they designate a higher authority than the laws ... "

12 - That to be considered a transboundary project for possible impacts on water bodies such as the San Juan River, should be possible joint action with the government of Nicaragua, to assess such impacts, as required by Article 90 of Regulation on Environmental Impact Studies (2004). The absence of this requirement would leave us exposed to potential claims by Nicaragua for environmental damage.

13. The change in the project, processed in record time between 2007 and 2008, which doubled in volume of extraction requires a new environmental impact study, it represents a significant change to the original project. This is further processed while the moratorium mining president Abel Pacheco.

14 - The ob solescencia of our mining legislation and consideration of environmental impacts.

15 - Poor monitoring and enforcement capacity, as evidenced not only in the case of the Bellavista Mine in Miramar (risks warned by academics and environmental movement), but also recognized by the same executive decree grant (217-2008-MINAET) which reads:

"Industrias Infinito SA, assist the Government of Costa Rica, in training civil servants in the departments they should exercise control of such business, technical and technological aspects, in order that these officials have suitable criteria for the implementation of the control activity. "

16 - area where the project is located is of high environmental fragility and a high rate of rainfall, which incorporates additional risks even with the use of technology.

agree :

1. To request the Government Republic of the repeal of Decree 34801-MINAET declaring the public interest and national convenience Crucitas mining project. Also, ask the government of Costa Rica and its institutions, to nullify all the permissions granted to grantees Crucitas mining project for being null and void and reinstate the moratorium on mining.

2. Asking the Government of Costa Rica to be consistent with sustainable development model
q ue as a nation we have been preaching for many years.

3. To call the Costa Rican society for environmental protection and construction Costa Rica a fair, equitable and sustainable.

4. Ask the Legislature Quick Step reform the Mining Code to prohibit permanently open pit metal mining in our country.

5. Support
legal and political processes of citizens and social organizations designed to halt the execution of this project rejected by almost 90% of Costa Rican citizens.

6. Local Government to deliver our educational activities and information on the subject, for which will with the support of the Local Government Commission on the Environment and the Blue Flag Program.

7. Friends declare global movement for sustainability of the planet through the defense of nature.

8. Reiterate that our friendly Regulatory Plan is the ENVIRONMENT and defense.

9. Express our satisfaction with the statements of the President-elect, Mrs. Laura Chinchilla, contrary to the Surface Mining and support their decision to change our laws in the mining camp
p o close the gates to these anti-ecological activities.

10. Disclosed by all means this agreement and call on all Local Governments to adhere lending its support to the Mother Earth.

Subscribe and l alderman owner:


Citizen Action Party

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Doudjin Hantail Naruto Fakku

Crucitas moratorium on gold mining signed on May 8 Assembly

On 8 May, after his inauguration as President of the Republic, Mrs. Laura Chinchilla, his promise to sign the decree a moratorium on gold mining. With this, filled with satisfaction the majority of the population believes that metal mining is not compatible with the nature of a tropical country like ours, nor with its model of economic and social development.

There are, however, two key elements that should not be overlooked amid the cheers of the signature and promulgation of the decree, and that, conversely, must be a slow and cold analysis, with appropriate scientific criteria :

The first element is striking is that few days before the change of power and having announced Dona Laura, who was to issue a decree of a moratorium, the Arias administration signed a decree a moratorium on the gold mining. Administration had lifted an indefinite moratorium governing since 2002 (Decree No. 34492-MINAE, March 18, 2008), and had granted the mining concession for the project Crucitas (Resolution R-217-MINAE 21 April 2008) and which had declared of public interest and national convenience this project (Decree No. 34801-MINAET, October 13, 2008).

This decree signed leaving the now ex-President Arias, said the moratorium only to gold mining in the open, leaving out the type of gold mining underground, pleasure, which is one that does not use cyanide or mercury, but extracting gold from river sediments, and other metal mining. It also includes a strange phrase: "All rights acquired before the publication of this decree shall be respected" without clarifying what kind of law and won in what form, which in terms of the current Mining Code, can be contradictory from the technically and legally.

The second element refers to the modification decree signed Dona Laura, for which there are several important observations:

1. Extending the moratorium issued by the Arias administration to also reach the metal mining type gold underground, and is limited to gold mining using cyanide and mercury.
2. It leaves out the mining of placer gold, which represents a potential danger to the Osa Peninsula where such mining would occur.
3. No rest declared moratorium on metal mining, such as silver, aluminum, copper, lead, chromium, nickel, manganese, uranium, of which the country, geological conditions, might have potential. Do not forget the statement of the College of Geologists of Costa Rica to the Legislative Assembly in March on the text alternative to the Mining Code in which signals the country's mining potential. With the decree as it stands, the mining companies will continue to seek exploration permits and mining concessions to metal for other metals than gold. It is clear that there is an inconsistency, since this type of mining is equal to or more powerful than gold mining.
4. Maintaining the wording used by the moratorium decree Don Abel Pacheco in 2002, and that clearly did not work with the Arias administration, noting that the moratorium is declared as "undefined." Given this, it is best to be consistent with the target, and noted that the moratorium stays until it has made a comprehensive review Mining Code and, based on an assessment of costs - environmental benefits of metal mining in the country, take a final decision on such national activity.
5. Finally, to keep the phrase "All rights acquired before the publication of this decree shall be respected" without clarifying what rights and how they are obtained, there is a risk that many of the nearly 40 cases of metal mining, 15 of them in the same Crucitas mining, Industrias Infinito SA, and another 3 in indigenous territories, do the same thing happened in 2003 and claimed, based on confusing wording of the Code Current Mining, have already acquired rights and therefore should be allowed to proceed with the formalities of exploration and mining. Much could have happened for almost 23 months-long survey of metal mining moratorium, enacted by the Arias administration.

As noted above, the moratorium decree signed by the lady president leaves open many doors for metal mining to continue giving in the country, which seems to contradict its commitment to ban mining moratorium by emergency decree.

In this perspective, it is appropriate to provide guidance to the near future, in which demand precious metals by TNCs, put your eyes on the valuable resources of the seabed and subsoil, where our country has enormous reserves consistent with strategic areas of play and variety of species.

Given this, we would make a passionate call to the new authorities to reconsider the decree signed on May 8, based on fundamentals more legal, technical and scientific, so it closes firmly and decide the likelihood of metal mining activity that could develop in the country under the present conditions.

I respectfully submit a proposal to decree that could be a basis for discussion and analysis in order to improve the mining moratorium decree in the country. URGENT APPEAL


1. Dr. Rafael Arce Mesén, geographer, Professor and Researcher, UCR
2. M.Sc. Mario Arias Salgado, Hydrogeologist, CIG, UCR
3. Dr. Allan Astorga, Geologist, UCR
4. M.Sc. Baltodano Javier Aragon, Biologist, Ceiba coeca
5. Dr. Nicolas Boeglin, professor, School of Law, UCR
6. M.Sc. Rolando Castro, Attorney, CEDARENA
7. M.Sc. Olga Corrales, Attorney
8. Mr. Gabriel Square, Lawyer, CEDARENA
9. M.Sc. Vanessa Dubois, Management Environmental FANCA / FUDEU
10. Dr. Rafael González Ballard, Attorney, Law Faculty, UCR
11. M.Sc. Raul Guevara, Attorney
12. Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez Espeleta, Biologist, Biology School, UCR
13. Dr. Jorge Lobo Segura, Biologist, Biology School, UCR
14. M.Sc. Oscar Lucke, Geographer, School of Geography, UCR
15. Ms. Patricia Madrigal, Attorney, CoopeSoliDar
16. M.Sc. Jorge Mora Portuguez, Attorney, FANCA / FUDEU
17. Dr. Eduard Muller, Chancellor, UCI
18. M.Sc. Mario Peña Chacón, Attorney, Law Faculty, UCR
19. Dr. Carlos Quesada Mateo, Civil Engineer, CCT
20. Dr. Guillermo Quirós, Oceanographer, A
21. M.Sc. Sagot Alvaro Rodríguez, Advocate, A
22. M.Sc. Vivienne Solís Rivera, Biologist, CoopeSoliDar
23. M.Sc. Luis Carlos Vargas Fallas, a specialist in water
24. M.Sc. Luis Villalobos, medical health professionals, researchers, UCR

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Trish Stratus Bra&penty


The National Assembly of Citizens' Action Party with respect to the approval of the Constitutional Court to the declaration of public interest and national interest of the mining project "Crucitas" (Decree No. 34801.MINAET), and its effects.


1. Article 50 of the Constitution of Costa Rica guarantees the right to enjoy a healthy and ecologically balanced environment and the duty of citizens to enforce that law and public institutions to guarantee it.

2. The Organic Statute of the Citizen Action Party includes in its Article 6, 14 and 15, the environmental protection and human rights and the promotion of development compatible with environmental protection in both concur with the Convention on Biological Diversity .

3. That Costa Rica has committed to sustainable development based on environmental protection and not a model extractor, has not been a country of tradition mining and that history has taught us that the few metal mining developments, not only have not benefited the country or the communities where they are located, unless the contrary has left a sad picture of destruction, with ample evidence that it is not an activity compatible with the environment.

4. The change in the project, processed in record time, between 2007 and 2008, doubling the project in terms of volume of extraction requires a new environmental impact study, it represents a significant change in the project, and this coupled with was processed while the moratorium mining.

5. The grant Project 2594 was previously annulled by the same Chamber IV, therefore could not re-grant under the same procedure and record.

6. That when considering a cross-border project for possible impacts on water bodies such as the San Juan River, it should be possible joint action with the government of Nicaragua, to assess such impacts, as required by Article 90 of the Regulation on Environmental Impact Studies (2004). His absence would leave us exposed to potential claims by Nicaragua for environmental damage.

7. The impacts of open pit metal mining have been studied carefully and there is a worldwide trend to reject such practices.

8. The area where the project is located is of high environmental fragility and high rate of rainfall, which incorporates additional risks even with the use of technology.

9. The obsolescence of our mining legislation and environmental law brief.

10. The limited capacity for monitoring and control, as evidenced not only in the case of the Bellavista Mine in Miramar, risks warned by academics and environmental movement, if not recognized by the same executive decree granting (217-2008-MINAE) which reads :

"Industrias Infinito SA, assist the Government of Costa Rica, in training civil servants of the units must exercise control of such business, technical and technological aspects, so that these officials have suitable criteria for the implementation of the control activity. "

11. To date, no instrument has been known to show a positive relationship between social and environmental costs and economic benefits of development that declare the project of public interest and national interest.

12. Climate change puts humanity a choice about continuing to deepen its impacts and generating more conditions of vulnerability and sustainability of the human species, which compels us to seek a balance between human activities and nature conservation.

13. The fact that the Constitutional Court endorses the constitutionality of the decree of public interest and national interest, does not mean that there are serious inconsistencies in legal, procedural and technical look elsewhere. AGREES

1. Notice to the Government of the Republic for the repeal of Decree 34801-MINAE declaring the public interest and national convenience Crucitas mining project.

2. Sue the government of Costa Rica and its institutions that override all permissions granted to grantees Crucitas mining project for being null and void and reinstate the moratorium on mining.

3. Require the government of Costa Rica to be consistent with the model of sustainable development as a nation we have been preaching for many years

4. To call the Costa Rican society in environmental protection and construction of the Costa Rica we want, more just, equitable and sustainable.

5. Ask the Legislature Quick Step reform the Mining Code to prohibit permanently the open-pit metal mining in our country.

6. Support legal and political processes of citizens and social organizations designed to halt the execution of this project.

7. To join the demonstrations will be held for that purpose in the future, starting with the April 22, Earth Day.

8. Join the global movement for sustainability of the planet

9. Published in different media and give further publicity to this agreement.


Do Wicker Baskets Get Bugs On



For exploration and mining of the Crucitas has been on the national scene since 1993, when the June 7 of that year the MIRENEM in resolution R-185-93 (File No. 7339) approving the mining exploration permit for the company Abangares Winds SA Crucitas Cutris of San Carlos, after that, the company appears Placer Dome de Costa Rica SA, a Canadian company, which seeks an extension of exploration for two years. On November 5, 1996, in Resolution No. 4085, agreed to a term of exploration permit for two years, which is then revoked March 13, 1997, in Resolution 174-97 SETENA, paralyzing exploration work since the company had not complied with the commitments stipulated in the Environmental Impact Study.
On December 17, 2001, SETENA approved the application for exploitation of the Crucitas mine to another company, and is presented to SETENA, the EIA as a requirement for entry into operation of the mine. However, by Executive Order DE-30477-MINAE of June 5, 2002, published in the Gazette of June 12, 2002, the administration set Pacheco de la Espriella indefinite moratorium on open pit mining.

In Executive Order R-217-2008-MINAE, published in Official Gazette No. 96 of May 20, 2008, both the President of the Republic Oscar Arias Sanchez and the Environment Minister Roberto Dobles Mora, know the recommendation for granting mining concession to mine gold mining project Crucitas, File 2554 and repealing the decree an indefinite moratorium on mining activities open.

The President of the Republic and the Minister of Environment, Executive Decree 34801-MINAET, published in the Gazette No. 201 of October 17, 2008, permit the commencement of work at the Mina Cutris the Crucitas in San Carlos.

La Sala IV in Resolution No. 6922 at 14.35 am on April 16, 2010 approved the operation. WHEREAS


1. The Constitution of Costa Rica, Article 50 states that: Everyone has the right to a healthy and ecologically balanced environment. Therefore it is entitled to denounce any acts that violate that right and to claim compensation for damages. The State shall guarantee, defend and preserve that right.

2. The Constitution in its Article 7 states that: Public treaties, international conventions and pacts, duly approved by the Legislature, have since their enactment or from the day that they designate a higher authority than laws.

3. Costa Rica has ratified Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES), Convention on Biological Diversity, the Convention for the Protection of Flora, Fauna and the scenic beauty of the Countries of America, and the Convention on the Protection of Heritage World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

4. The Convention on the Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (Law No. 5980 of October 26, 1976), which in Article 4 establishes the State's obligation to Costa Rica to identify, protect, conserve, rehabilitate and transmit to future generations the cultural and natural heritage situated on our territory ... "

5. The Convention for the Protection of Flora, Fauna and Natural Scenic American Countries (Law No. 3763 of October 19, 1976), which reads:

"Article 5: 1 - The Contracting Governments agree to take or recommend to their respective legislative bodies concerned, the adoption of laws and regulations that ensure the protection and conservation of flora and fauna within their respective territories of national parks and reserves, nature monuments and reservations of wilderness ... 2 - The Contracting Governments agree to take or recommend to their respective legislatures to adopt laws to ensure protection or conservation of landscapes ... "

6. The Rio de Janeiro Declaration on Environment and Development, Doc A/CONF.151/26; 31I.LM874 of June 13, 1992, states: In order to protect the environment, States shall widely apply the precautionary approach as to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent the costs of environmental degradation.

7. That the Third Penal Chamber has recognized the principle of Irreducibility Forest (Resolution 2003-0396).

8. That the principle 4 of the Stockholm Declaration states:

"Man has a special responsibility to safeguard and wisely manage the heritage of flora and fauna and their habitat, which is currently threatened by a combination of adverse factors ..."

9. That the Environmental Law, Law 7554 of October 4, 1995, Article 2, stipulates that:

a) The environment is the common heritage of all the inhabitants of the Nation, except as required by the Constitution Politics, international conventions and laws. The state and individuals must participate in their conservation and sustainable, which are of public utility and social interest.

b) Everyone has the right to enjoy a healthy and ecologically sustainable to grow, and the duty to preserve, under Article 50 of our Constitution.

c) The State shall ensure the rational use of environmental elements in order to protect and improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the country. It is also required to promote economic development and environmentally sustainable development, understood as development that meets basic human needs without compromising the options of future generations.

d) Who contaminate the environment or cause him harm, shall, as provided for by the laws of the Republic and international agreements.

e) The damage to the environment is a social crime, it affects the foundations of the existence of society, economically, because it undermines the materials and resources required for productive activities, cultural, while threatening way of life of communities, and ethical, because it threatens the very existence of present and future generations.

10. The Biodiversity Act, Act 7788 of April 30, 1998, Article 11 paragraph 2 states the precautionary approach or in dubio pro natura: When there is a danger or threat of serious or imminent harm to the elements of biodiversity and associated knowledge to these, the absence of scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective protection measures.

11. That in our legal system there is a public interest legal level established including environmental, to be noted in paragraph 11 of the Biodiversity Act as follows:

"Article 11 .- Criteria for applying this law: The criteria for applying this law: .......... 3 .- Criterion of environmental public interest: The use of elements of biodiversity should ensure the development options of future generations, food security, conservation of ecosystems, protection of human health and improving quality of life of citizens.

For its part, the Law of Conservation of Wildlife, said in the question:

"Article 3 .- The public domain states wildlife is a renewable natural resource, which is part of the national heritage. Also, public interest is declared wild flora, conservation, research and development of genetic resources, species, races and wild botanical and zoological varieties, which are gene pools and like all wild species which have entered the country who have undergone genetic modifications in their adaptation to different ecosystems. "

12. The Mining Code, Law 6797 of April 26, 1982, Article 98 provides: Prohibits any act, practice or transaction which impair the natural environment so as to make useless the basic elements, especially water and soil for their intended uses.


1. That according to our country are fragile ecosystems and biodiversity in high risk populations should be protected yellow almond, Dipteryx panamensis, and the macaw, Ara ambigua, and the close relationship between the two species (Constitutional Chamber, Vote 2486 to 2002) and all other species present in the places to be changed with the implementation of this project, as endemic species, unique and fragile ecosystems, endangered species, among others. Likewise, the Constitutional Chamber established Vote 13426-2008 continue prohibiting any procedure tending to use, exploitation or extraction of the almond tree and yellow as the green macaw are on the list of threatened or endangered.

2. That the Assembly Legislature must tackle the amendment of the Mining Code in its entirety, including the procedure for Environmental Impact Assessment established therein, as they show serious contradictions in relation to the studies or environmental impact reports, permits for exploration and concessions in the metal and nonmetal mining.

3. The President and the Minister of Environment immediately repeal Executive Order 34801-MINAET who declared of national interest and public interest in the Crucitas mining project, which allows clear-cutting of forests and other ecosystems reduction, it is failing to comply with principles, declarations, international conventions, as well as in the national legislation on environmental matters. Situation that we are exposed to penalties for violations of international commitments, being able to be considered an apology to ecocide.

4. A Constitutional Court to reject the draft Crucitas in all respects despite having ruled in favor of the project in Resolution No. 6922 at 14.35 am on April 16, 2010.

Saturday May 8, 2010.

Jesus Javier Ruiz

* College of Biologists of Costa Rica

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Singapore Plantar Fasciitis

Crucitas Artists Against Crucitas

Free Driver Wireles Optical/mouse Ce0560

I can not load that

I can not carry that cross the country delivering
to blow an entire mountain to win a

currencies little ambition or commitment
aside all principles

I do not want to carry this cross
not to defend my country
of which ravaged the forest

humble nature is what is happening in destroying

our blessed land I can not hold the charge that cross
who wears a suit and tie
only by greed, narrow interests
manipulating the laws and government
to earn some money

I should not cross
the charge is to keep quiet
without asking my people to come
to defend his crib, his nation
their forests its rivers that are at risk

I can not load this cross
I do not want to carry this cross

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Small Black Gauges For Guys

Cruz Vigil May 7 - Attorney

Mindful Greetings!

Hope you are well, that I write concern has emerged to organize a vigil on Friday May 7 against the Attorney General. This organ of State has appealed before the Administrative Tribunal (ACT) asking that logging is reactivated. The TCA stopped the works to clarify these processes and the Office is taking the ruling of the Constitutional Court as a basis to say that this is of national interest, defending the interests of the state, which as we know, are anything but environmental. Here the link to this information: : news-environment & Itemid = 60

The details of the activity are:

Where: Attorney General's Office. Avenidas 2 and 6, Calle 13.

When: Friday May 7, from 4:00 pm until you drop!

invite you to be as creative as possible and to mobilize the greatest number of people, because we have little time. Music, food to share between us, candles, posters, banners, blankets ... To identify get dressed in green, as an environmental claim. If anyone has any other environmental protest (Diquis, Piñero, Mining in Osa, Petroleum Exploration Attempts / gold in Talamanca, Threat to Maritime Terrestrial Zone, Sardinal and others) that occurred during this administration INVITED TO THIS ACTIVITY. The idea is to be a lot ...

... with the face but the body Crucitas ENVIRONMENTAL

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Which Tamil Actress Has Biggest Boobs

What should never say on Crucitas SENARA Manager

• Miguel Ramírez Hernández (*)

In the extensive record Crucitas (21 volumes) have sought and have found nowhere a technical study SENARA officials to endorse the mining project located in Las Crucitas. Greatly surprised that the President of the Constitutional Court, Ana Virginia Calzada, say to the media that the project has the backing of SENARA, when this is totally false and not resting on any technical document SENARA. La Sala IV was induced in error by a note signed by Mr. Bernal Soto Zuniga, Manager of SENARA (volume 3707 folio XI V), saying that official a document which, as manager, "endorse" the study of a company hired by the developer of the project Crucitas, but these have been endorsed and corroborated field visit by technical staff of the institution. In the case of a mining project of this importance, which also provides a depth of 67 meters, in two pits, it is surprising that the technical criteria of our institution has been managed in this way, referring to studies of others. In a note

SUB-543-2008, the Research and Water Management of SENARA, dated December 3, 2008 (folio Volume V 1148), this Office stated "The SENARA no information to define the recharge and discharge areas and the impact of mining on groundwater and surface water. Therefore, it is considered that it takes the development of detailed hydrogeological studies for the assessment of the impacts that mining may have on groundwater, which is estimated to require an estimated time of 10 to 12 months in its execution. " This, in order to have complete information of the status of groundwater in the area of \u200b\u200bCrucitas and evaluate the impact of this mining project. This note was taken by management and transmitted according to the Constitutional Court (folio1143 volume V). However, the resources requested were not for that study, which was never made. We

this respect to recall that the Research and Water Management has never been directly invited to participate or the inspection of the site on September 11, 2009 or the hearing at the Board in November 2009 but Manager "urged" an official of that agency to accompany him. During the inspection even SENARA officials could not enter most of the sites inspected due to lack of coordination with the security services of the Company Infinite Gold, so that the magistrates in charge of the inspection did not have a hydrogeologist SENARA to address questions during this visit of recognition. And we must also note that SENARA Manager, an agronomist by profession, was the one who answered most of the doubts of Mr. and Mrs. Judge during the hearing in November 2009. This procedure clearly contrary to a recommendation of the Comptroller General of the Republic (Report DFOE-PGAA-11-2009 of July 17, 2009) which, when it became apparent inconsistencies between the statement made by the Technical and Management SENARA this institution in the case of aquifers in coastal areas, specifically warned that "the Research and Water Management / ... / corresponds to communicate through the media and established formal channels, studies, criteria and recommendations to the appropriate, without it means to be subject to approval or review in informal technical and administrative bodies, as if the management or the Board "(p. 10 of the aforementioned report.)

Therefore, as a Costa Rican official of this institution unbecoming categorically stated by Mr. Manager SENARA on Crucitas mining project. I affirm without fear that the Research and Water Management, there is no technical study conducted by the Directorate, and this was never directly called to give their views during the inspection on site or at the hearing held in November 2009. Respectfully but publicly urge Mr. Manager quoting the folio number in the 21 volumes of records of the Constitutional Court that has a technical review of our institution approved by the Research and Water Management to endorse the Crucitas mining project in entirety.
