just a few days for the September 26, the date on which the Venezuelans once again have the opportunity to exercise our right to vote direct, universal and secret ballot. Unfortunately
electoral scenario remains the same as always, a polarized electoral scenario where the third option represents the feel of a sector that disagrees with the ends but has failed so far to capitalize on the strength that allows them to be imposed against them and where unlike the Ni-Ni are known to be the sword of Damocles that fails to fall on either end by becoming the big star of the process.
In this scenario in Venezuela Current is repeated every year, there is no room for construction of the country, much less a serious discussion of ideas, every year we embarked on an adventure election, which more than a discussion of proposals becomes a battle where the objective more than conquerors, for some need is demolished. Hence, even though each process before imposing target for both is to capture the attention of neither-nor, the fact is that to date have failed to beat the battle and continue to represent the sector desired by some to consolidate majority or by others to impose in the election battle.
on both sides have made efforts but not very productive, to capture the their attention, but what they seem not to understand any of the two poles, is that the population neither-nor has different origins, first-voting ex officio, the other irresponsible group that tries to live outside the situation in the country, those whom you no matter the fate of the country they live in parallel and in the world political events have no impact. But there are those who for one reason or another found in the abstention a valid way to draw attention and express their discontent or more a very concrete way of saying they do not feel represented by either of the two factors. Even though I do not share this position, not for me to judge, because I understand that somehow belong to parties who have major responsibility for this discontent, either to the ruling party or to which they form the opposition. This no doubt has given way to a third option that has lined up his entire offensive to both ends to try to capture those who do not identify with them, posing as an alternative way to channel this discontent is certainly inconsistent electoral scenario polarized demands the need to retreat to extremes to ensure a suitable platform to build an alternative free country where they have room for diversity and plurality of proposals and thoughts.
So far this scenario is sadly biased expectations have used to build a real political alternative at the same time has become more difficult will fly up the possibility of the country towards a proposal that goes beyond the electoral landscape.
On the one hand we have a ruling party that combines the action of government in time "future perfect" I will .. I promise I will build ... ... ignores the present and after 11 years is still making excuses in the past. On the other hand we assume the challenge of achieving consensus as the only way to form a block party capable of winning elections, but without sacrificing the interests of each party and its leadership. Thus we have seen that while the official pole revolves around one character and one voice, on the other side will make great efforts to achieve agreement among political factors than by their own ideological and partisan nature have always been adverse to the end no matter who your allies, the idea is to add and add, all that is the enemy of my enemy is welcome, even if my enemy, and build the so-called opposition, willingly or unwillingly we fall back, we come together and dance to us marked the adversary not only repair our differences we focus on our common goal: CHAVEZ and do not work according to an alternative but that we engage strives to be a minority and opposition win this war, a war from every standpoint uneven and disproportionate, a war that requires us to decide, to establish a position and even to support those who once also adversely lockstep.
However despite the differences that were dormant, as expected, because the way we recognize those that separate us from our allies or differentiated, because each party has focused its actions to the political vision that defined, yet despite having fought his own internal struggle, we maintain our common goal, because beyond the confrontation of ideas, the debate must, visions opposite, and the struggle to maintain individual leadership, we can overcome and we finally an election under the slogan of the UNITY and CHANGE.
"Unity is not the best but it's there" and is also the option that guarantees a favorable election result, difficult to assimilate but imperative is to accept it because what is at stake is the survival freedom of dissent against a government with a strong hue totalitarian and repressive, which has faced down all its powers to the whims of one man. Many seem not to understand it and are betting on the birth and construction of a new alternative alternative surely be postponed but that in turn is in the midst of an election campaign where you find the scenario more suitable to achieve condensation. Hence, the so-called third way or independent candidates are in my opinion out of context in a polarized election scenario, there seems even more reprehensible, as are proposals that although there have been built, the same way as ballot are the result of failing to support within a consensus that initially supported. That is, supporting a proposed unit and then whatever reasons, to support a third option in a polarized setting will no doubt prove counterproductive to the interest groups the sector even beyond opposition parties and sectors that comprise it.
On the other side the stage is certainly easier, there are no problems of leadership, there is the only leader Chavez, only he decides, only their ideas are imposed, so there is no chance or possibility for an internal confrontation, at least able to affect the objectives of the leader. Everything revolves around him, his party and his project, going beyond is not allowed for surely upset the electoral platform more than it already has been affected by continued signs of failure occurs in the setting of government which undoubtedly has become the spearhead of the Opposition who spent its catalog of proposals to the background and strengthened its attack on the opponent's weaknesses (Electric-Corpoelec collapse, food containers, PDVAL expired, spill in Lake-PDVSA-Tragedies insecurity, etc).
The point is that this process is imposed by the need to retake the path of unity, which is not meant giving up the individual objectives of each party, which was necessary was the need to redefine our priorities and understand that but Beyond the consolidation of a game was postponed to ensure freedom and democracy in our country, it was necessary to understand that a polarized electoral scenario, although not the ideal, is what we have, the choice is simple .. or we retire or play us, we take the first option in 2005 and have seen the results ... so if we choose to participate q must also decide whether we win or we booked in accumulated losses on our mistakes, unit results we saw in 2007 but no doubt the results of 2008 show more clearly the effects of consensus.
Political parties have made many mistakes, "civil society also has committed, as the student movement has been committed, all in some way or other we are responsible for everything that has happened in this fight. But today there time to make more mistakes, it's time to rectify on the tasks not to dent them, it's time to forget everything, personality, selfishness, work on the country, working on the basis of true unity, a transparent unit, a unit that will lift our patriotism and our float love of country and our commitment to history, a unit that focuses on a single objective, which is not Chavez, but Venezuela, a unit without colors, a unit of all and for all, a unit without sides, a drive that is not disrespectful, not to mess tripping, not back each other, a unit that allows us to restore the greatness of a nation and demonstrating that Venezuela will never be unity defeated by tyranny. Our drive is not the best but it certainly is the only way to guarantee the turnaround required by the country. Posted
with WordPress for BlackBerry.
electoral scenario remains the same as always, a polarized electoral scenario where the third option represents the feel of a sector that disagrees with the ends but has failed so far to capitalize on the strength that allows them to be imposed against them and where unlike the Ni-Ni are known to be the sword of Damocles that fails to fall on either end by becoming the big star of the process.
In this scenario in Venezuela Current is repeated every year, there is no room for construction of the country, much less a serious discussion of ideas, every year we embarked on an adventure election, which more than a discussion of proposals becomes a battle where the objective more than conquerors, for some need is demolished. Hence, even though each process before imposing target for both is to capture the attention of neither-nor, the fact is that to date have failed to beat the battle and continue to represent the sector desired by some to consolidate majority or by others to impose in the election battle.
on both sides have made efforts but not very productive, to capture the their attention, but what they seem not to understand any of the two poles, is that the population neither-nor has different origins, first-voting ex officio, the other irresponsible group that tries to live outside the situation in the country, those whom you no matter the fate of the country they live in parallel and in the world political events have no impact. But there are those who for one reason or another found in the abstention a valid way to draw attention and express their discontent or more a very concrete way of saying they do not feel represented by either of the two factors. Even though I do not share this position, not for me to judge, because I understand that somehow belong to parties who have major responsibility for this discontent, either to the ruling party or to which they form the opposition. This no doubt has given way to a third option that has lined up his entire offensive to both ends to try to capture those who do not identify with them, posing as an alternative way to channel this discontent is certainly inconsistent electoral scenario polarized demands the need to retreat to extremes to ensure a suitable platform to build an alternative free country where they have room for diversity and plurality of proposals and thoughts.
So far this scenario is sadly biased expectations have used to build a real political alternative at the same time has become more difficult will fly up the possibility of the country towards a proposal that goes beyond the electoral landscape.
On the one hand we have a ruling party that combines the action of government in time "future perfect" I will .. I promise I will build ... ... ignores the present and after 11 years is still making excuses in the past. On the other hand we assume the challenge of achieving consensus as the only way to form a block party capable of winning elections, but without sacrificing the interests of each party and its leadership. Thus we have seen that while the official pole revolves around one character and one voice, on the other side will make great efforts to achieve agreement among political factors than by their own ideological and partisan nature have always been adverse to the end no matter who your allies, the idea is to add and add, all that is the enemy of my enemy is welcome, even if my enemy, and build the so-called opposition, willingly or unwillingly we fall back, we come together and dance to us marked the adversary not only repair our differences we focus on our common goal: CHAVEZ and do not work according to an alternative but that we engage strives to be a minority and opposition win this war, a war from every standpoint uneven and disproportionate, a war that requires us to decide, to establish a position and even to support those who once also adversely lockstep.
However despite the differences that were dormant, as expected, because the way we recognize those that separate us from our allies or differentiated, because each party has focused its actions to the political vision that defined, yet despite having fought his own internal struggle, we maintain our common goal, because beyond the confrontation of ideas, the debate must, visions opposite, and the struggle to maintain individual leadership, we can overcome and we finally an election under the slogan of the UNITY and CHANGE.
"Unity is not the best but it's there" and is also the option that guarantees a favorable election result, difficult to assimilate but imperative is to accept it because what is at stake is the survival freedom of dissent against a government with a strong hue totalitarian and repressive, which has faced down all its powers to the whims of one man. Many seem not to understand it and are betting on the birth and construction of a new alternative alternative surely be postponed but that in turn is in the midst of an election campaign where you find the scenario more suitable to achieve condensation. Hence, the so-called third way or independent candidates are in my opinion out of context in a polarized election scenario, there seems even more reprehensible, as are proposals that although there have been built, the same way as ballot are the result of failing to support within a consensus that initially supported. That is, supporting a proposed unit and then whatever reasons, to support a third option in a polarized setting will no doubt prove counterproductive to the interest groups the sector even beyond opposition parties and sectors that comprise it.
On the other side the stage is certainly easier, there are no problems of leadership, there is the only leader Chavez, only he decides, only their ideas are imposed, so there is no chance or possibility for an internal confrontation, at least able to affect the objectives of the leader. Everything revolves around him, his party and his project, going beyond is not allowed for surely upset the electoral platform more than it already has been affected by continued signs of failure occurs in the setting of government which undoubtedly has become the spearhead of the Opposition who spent its catalog of proposals to the background and strengthened its attack on the opponent's weaknesses (Electric-Corpoelec collapse, food containers, PDVAL expired, spill in Lake-PDVSA-Tragedies insecurity, etc).
The point is that this process is imposed by the need to retake the path of unity, which is not meant giving up the individual objectives of each party, which was necessary was the need to redefine our priorities and understand that but Beyond the consolidation of a game was postponed to ensure freedom and democracy in our country, it was necessary to understand that a polarized electoral scenario, although not the ideal, is what we have, the choice is simple .. or we retire or play us, we take the first option in 2005 and have seen the results ... so if we choose to participate q must also decide whether we win or we booked in accumulated losses on our mistakes, unit results we saw in 2007 but no doubt the results of 2008 show more clearly the effects of consensus.
Political parties have made many mistakes, "civil society also has committed, as the student movement has been committed, all in some way or other we are responsible for everything that has happened in this fight. But today there time to make more mistakes, it's time to rectify on the tasks not to dent them, it's time to forget everything, personality, selfishness, work on the country, working on the basis of true unity, a transparent unit, a unit that will lift our patriotism and our float love of country and our commitment to history, a unit that focuses on a single objective, which is not Chavez, but Venezuela, a unit without colors, a unit of all and for all, a unit without sides, a drive that is not disrespectful, not to mess tripping, not back each other, a unit that allows us to restore the greatness of a nation and demonstrating that Venezuela will never be unity defeated by tyranny. Our drive is not the best but it certainly is the only way to guarantee the turnaround required by the country. Posted
with WordPress for BlackBerry.