Saturday, January 16, 2010

What Can I Numb My Nipples With Before Piercing

THE KNOW "the-mind" A CHAVEZ

If they really thought that tonight when I removed the light exactly at 9pm not have any comfort ... I was wrong! Once the lights began to fade, started together the respective cacerolazo far away ... there were also a couple of shots, perhaps some unfortunate who was unfortunate fortune to run into the underworld.

a couple of months ago the president finally took that insecurity was a problem, but now with this new measure of power outages I think has been vindicated and now they are easier to work, criminals can now set your own hours of work schedule adjusted to the daily ration.

Now as well told my immediate comfort, at least for today and before you run out of battery in my laptop is more than one maracucho recalling the president should be he his generation and himself maracucho style together curses of 3000 per second, which is increasing in intensity as the weather warms, or as it heats the water, or as you volándose the toes trying to reach the toilet, or at least more than a little party on Saturday in full you must throw the birthday of ...
If these curses have any effect chain, minimum he operates one of the transformers of Miraflores, that alone really console me tonight .


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