Monday, July 26, 2010

Church Anniversary Quote


write about this subject can be a bit more complicated in a polarized country like ours. My vision of the country for many could be influenced by me or my political position links with the UNT game. But beyond my personal view or my interests, build a national vision requires taking as reference the diversity of ideas and opinions together to forge a shared vision of Venezuela which we all aspire, more as an individual and collective. A community which is very wide indeed, which are limited political trends that are radically opposed but strangely taken together models, attitudes and goals that at some point may converge.

In my previous post "The Unity We Need" raised the need to work on the basis of a common goal, capable of imposing on our differences, especially political, and it would be imperative to first of all determine what or what are those targets that could work collectively. From there came the idea of \u200b\u200busing social networking as a means to capture the concerns and views of a very diverse group, that of my followers on twitter and my facebook contacts and work together on the basis of a common premise: The Venezuela Venezuela we want and we dream.

is curious, as a simple question can generate so much interest in some, while for others, the mere idea of \u200b\u200bsharing his vision of the country with people of different political tendencies may turn out to be "sterile" (@ honestly think it would be a sterile discussion) . answers how are you reaffirm my theory that the polarization is the greatest obstacle to building a true nation and therefore a better country when a political movement takes precedence over something as simple as raising your vision of the country, it is clear that not prepared to work in terms of objectives over your environment and your interests.

is also for those who for one reason or another 140 characters are the best excuse to sidestep the issue. While for others it is technically impossible to sum up all their ideas in a small space (@ fortunately, does not fit in 140 characters!) or not even reach them multiplying tweets (@ I think that 140 characters multiplied by 800 will not reach me) . I confess that it is not easy to describe our aspirations in a small space, especially when it comes to something as simple and as complex at the same time, as the idea is to raise a country and whether it is people who make writing their passion . it even more complex.

Some used their 140 characters to outline his response from his political position, either pro-government (@ 140 characters enough to tell me the Venezuela that we would have to not be sick for Media q the population.) or failing as opposed to 11 years (@ EN140 characters is difficult very difficult to describe but I am sure I want to be better q q q have the last 11 years) is obviously not easy discard of political affiliations that define the country craves. Hence, some just outlined his idea around the figure of a man, as a starting point to build their ideal country, Chavez purpose, target Chavez, Chavez as a reason. (@ No Chávez - Chávez @ Sin ...... that's a summary - @ Sin Chávez.lo else comes to boot! - @ Sin Bolivarian Rep without Chávez, respectively - @ A SIN CHAVEZ Venezuela - Chávez and lackeys Sin @ - @ A Vzla without corruption, without Chavez and democracy) respectable position but if you want also extremely simplistic view of the need to establish parameters that allow us to build an idea coherent ideal that country.

Other tweets reflected in his most heartfelt criticism of the government, emphasizing those aspects that keep us from being the country we aspire to, security, justice and freedom, a common desire for many of us have been denied in the past 11 years turn reflecting the increased demand of Venezuelans that oppose the government and the project of President Chávez, less clear are the reasons underlying its position. For some it is all about a judicial system capable of responding effectively to the principles that inspire (@ dream of a Venezuela where those who govern us to respect the Constitution. Where do justice to its name.) and making respect for the system mostly legal premise upon which ensures the rule of law, security and freedom of a country (@ A country with a judicial system and Moral Dignity! to have these things sure are going to be adding other important things do not mention, but among them is the Security! Freedom! Since there is no freedom when you go out and you can be a victim of crime, and the state is obliged to brindartela and it does not, or poorly! All for being aware of a common vision and to pursue and run over their opponents! Greetings!) certainly governance of President Chavez has been marked by the need to constantly re-legitimize through elections, which have become an annual practice of compulsory agenda, because of which the political confrontation has fact as well as daily struggle to impose the absolute power of the state through the subrogation of all powers (@ with autonomous powers but in fact for now (famous phrase) I'll settle for a Venezuela without Chavez) . There were also those who were a little further in their criticism and more than criticize Chavez as a figure, criticized what it represents for the country (@ Not having a president or military governments, authoritarian, Communist Neo let alone as we have They are now failed model, the only thing prefesan and manifest in his speeches is the envy, hatred and resentment. A Delay!) . There were those who attacked the effects and consequences of these regimes themselves (@ a far cry from what we have now, tyranny, impoverishment, impunity, exclusion) and that Venezuela has become usual practice of government (@ more serious is the way the government freedom ended in different areas: media, opposition, industry, etc.) legal certainty affecting a sector of the population that feels that there are no legal guarantees that would ensure its stability, (@ where you get it by effort, not a dictator comes to dispose of it, where you can walk the streets safe.) that regard, I think a man or a government strong enough to impose on a country if this government has remained even though those who do not support, is because as a people, whether by act or omission we allowed. Each government chooses the type of regime that wishes to establish for their purposes and the means to achieve it, but it is the sovereign who approve their origin. In Venezuela in every election, whatever its outcome reflects the will of a people, we like it or did not define our daily lives and therefore our immediate destination. The effects of this government, positive or negative, are evident, although some seek to hide, others magnify or simply want to ignore the rest. That the means used to achieve its purpose are not the most optimal or are harmful, because it is part of its strategy, which we have not been able to remove permanently. This government has found in the comparison its best means of strengthening its power and the suppression powers the ideal way to legitimize it, this is the view of many Venezuelans, vision I share, but not all do (@ without so much hatred and absolute power in a gov. as we have q 11 years which comes with total destructive touch.)

On the other side some people seem to be very clear what kind of country they want, (@ A Socialist Venezuela.). probably can go unnoticed this comment coming from a person directly linked to the process, however very striking that their conduct and work go hand in hand with this idea of \u200b\u200bcountry, respectable and dignified position as one of the reasons why our country immersed in this deep crisis of values, among other things, the lack of real commitment and harmony between what we do and we preach, warning that socialism can not be labeled as a form of government geared to failure or delay, for what which has made socialism a viable form of government for one country or inconvenience to others is the way in which it is assumed, the objectives and the will of those who are called to build, is decirn that any form of progress that reflects events intended to provide better services and ensure true social justice and freedom for its citizens, always stand as an option for the consolidation of a decent home, which is either the road or the ideology that preaches and who acted on the ideology that preaches is worthy of becoming a proponent of it.

Many of the supporters of the Government are fully confident tread the right path towards the country they wish (@ The Vzla I want and dream is what will fly in right now are Vzlana q all have their basic needs on hand) even more unlike his detractors are those who find in the figure of President Chávez motor shaft guiding this revolution and the cornerstone for the consolidation of its socialist project (@ as we are building with our key leader ChavezCandanga_ - @ El Pais q q we want is the building of the hand and guide CMDT d our socialist homeland or death we are winning) . Of course no one who missed the 4th of blaming all our misfortunes, even to justify themselves in these 11 years of revolution and who spared no resort to insults typical of those unable to find another way to support their positions (@ THANKS TO PRESIDENT CHAVEZ IS A COUNTRY THAT WE SURGIENDO.YA Q LEAVING YOUR 4TH REPUBLIC POVERTY IN BANKRUPTCY AND MORE THANKS TO CHAVEZ THIS COUNTRY IS OUT OF MISERY WHERE THE LEFT. WITH SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC PROGRAMMES. A MISSING. CLEAR THAT YES, BUT ALSO HAS BEEN ENOUGH. LEAVE THIS Q THE 4TH NO ARRANGEMENTS 11. HAD MORE THAN 40 YEARS DESTROYING ME AND NOT SAY THAT IS GOING TO LIE. IF YOU BY Favory'll stop talking STRAW AND WILL WORK OUT BEST FOR THE COUNTRY. BUT WHAT ARE SOME old gossip) Fatty error of some owners believe the truth and even worse to pretend that they alone do something for the country. Unfortunately there are many who think this way and belittle anyone who dares to think differently or oppose the revolutionary project.
And finally, I quote the tweet especially given that it takes a bit of each of the elements that characterize, at least in theory, the socialist project of President Chávez and turn, I think, reflects the feelings of many of their followers (@ If you Vzlana. You know q Vzla 1 sovereign, democratic and revolutionary socialist achievements to benefit the people. strange me your question! Venezuela is not that I want and sleep. It is the q Vzla we proudly led by Hugo Chavez.Es say your country is revolutionary socialist Chavez. Thanks to chavez live in full democracy with freedom q plena.Tienes a government guarantees the rights of the people. Ensures the health, education, food, equality, Chavez justicia.gracias the people we are a participatory and protagonist of the revolution path to socialism. So q're wrong with your question. Venezuela already have a potential in all areas with the ideology for discussion) . As the author of this tweet, many are fully confident of having achieved or see crystallized the basic objectives of the Revolution. On this point let me add that real socialism can not be sustained on the basis of a divided country and exclusive. I also consider it prudent to warn of concern came from my firm belief that a country never reaches the limit of its growth and progress, as this is a constant on which not all is said and not everything is done.

This is only a summary of all the tweets I received in response to a question about Venezuela that want and dream, in this first part only focused vision of those who start from a political bias, either ruling or opposition, to define the Venezuela they crave.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In the tweets selected for this post and the following were omitted the names of users and cited verbatim as they were received. However, later all tweets will be published with their authors. Sent from my BlackBerry

Friday, July 23, 2010

Urethral Opening In Hindi

Crucitas Environmental request an audience with the government to discuss Crucitas

They ask
  • appointment for another week
  • Ensure having outputs to avoid and / or face arbitration.

Today, Friday 23 July, the Executive reported to be up next week when deciding officially on Crucitas mining project, after you pass the Constitutional Court the last word.

For this reason, a representative group of environmental organizations and networks engaged in the campaign and legal proceedings against the open-pit metal mining in Costa Rica, asked the Vice President Alfio Piva, a hearing.

This request would intended to explain arguments, reasons and alternatives to the threat of a possible international demand, if the government decides to cancel the mining concession and to repeal the decree of "public interest and national convenience" for the mining project, issued by the Oscar Arias government.

"We call the Costa Rican people to support us on the government to grant us this appointment" said Edgardo Araya, an environmental lawyer from UNOVA "though the struggle by legal means we will not neglect to ensure that the project will buried forever, "he said.

"We welcome the opening of the government to revisit the subject, previous government did not even that opportunity, we hope that Mrs. Laura will make a decision putting national interests and environmental interests over mining company, "said Heidy Murillo, vice president of the FECON and signer of the letter.

For his part, attorney Jorge Mora Portuguez, network FANCA, clarified that "an eventual ruling in favor of mining does not in any way the administrative proceedings that have arisen and which are presented as well as other legal actions to be launched in the coming days to other courts. "

"We are confident that Chamorro's government Laura, will listen to the public, universities, organizations and specialized agencies, local governments of San José, San Carlos, and more than thirteen municipalities that have repeatedly spoken out against mining open in Costa Rica. "Mora said Portuguez.

addition to preventing the Crucitas mining project starts, the environmentalists said the urgency to maintain and strengthen the moratorium declared by Mrs. Laura Chinchilla and approve an amendment to the mining code, which prohibits the such activities permanently.

The note is signed by various networks and organizations that have historically rejected the activity mining and promoting a truly sustainable development model for Costa Rica: CEDARENA, APREFLOFAS, UNOVA, ARCA, FANCA, Neotropica Foundation, and the group ANDA Urgent Appeal for the country ".

For more information: Heidy Murillo

8872 4954 - Gino Biamonte FECON 8397-2839 - Edgardo Araya

APREFLOFAS 8704 9502 - UNOVA, Jorge Mora Portuguez 8874 6981 - FANCA

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Only Rash No Other Symptoms Hiv

Crucitas MEETING PUBLIC STATEMENT II, \u200b\u200b17 and 18 July

If you can sign it here

meeting again today in this community want to express Crucitas repeatedly and strongly our opposition to mining open pit gold you want to specify in this community.

We undertake to make any effort that involves the implementation of this project is not so bad for the country.

We are committed to the homeland and our future generations to leave a country free of mines, free from the greed of unbridled, free of filibuster both sold to the highest bidder.

With great enthusiasm and joy we have moved to this community, foot, vehicle or otherwise, to make clear once again our commitment with the people of Costa Rica.

Crucitas This second meeting will serve injection, to continue energetic and patriotic citizenship, leading to our communities, neighborhoods and wherever we are the message of unity to fight. Fight for our dignity, to regain decorum, decency and patriotism that is sorely lacking in public administration for many years. We tell

selfish employers who see only the sign projects colones or dollars, that we will not take a backward step in the recovery of our cultural values \u200b\u200bof our land, our forests and especially our national sovereignty.

reiterate our request, with walkers next to the Municipal Council of San Carlos and the other local governments and organizations who have spoken and we come together in the Second Crucitas, Madame President, Laura Chinchilla republic the immediate repeal of Executive Order N.34801-MINAET of October 17, 2008, which states Public Interest and the National Convenience Crucitas mining project and the 2594 award, given to industries Indus Infinity by resolution 127 of April 21, 2008.

We urge the Legislature to process quickly to reform the mining code, which prohibits metal mining in our country, as incompatible with the environment. Finally we let

firm and irrevocable proof that will not stop until ever that our country is free of so much greed, so much selfishness. So we are committed to fight to the bitter end if necessary, to ban gold mining to open pit in our country.




backed by 118 signatures dieferentes organizations and communities across the country.

Photo courtesy of Ark